Chapter 7: Trust

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I walk from the gardens into the main areas of the temple. I pass my room and quickly walk in to grab my pendant. I string it around my neck and tuck it under my light tan robes before stepping out of my room. I walk through the halls and notice it is eerily quiet and there was no one else in the hallways. I speed up my pace and arrive at the doors of the training room. My eyes widen at the sight withing the training room, it was as if all of the older younglings and padawans were gathered there. I look around for someone who would tell me what was going on. I see a flash of a familiar blue and white lekku and a smile spreads across my face. I run over to her. 

"Ahsoka!" I say and tap her shoulder and she spins around. 

"Elidani! It's good to see you again." She says and gives a warm smile. We had been friends for as long as I remembered, we were in the same youngling training group I was in and we had found our kyber crystals by working together. 

"So, Elidani, I heard you already have a master. congratulations." She says and fidgets with her hands slightly. She had passed the padawan trials a few weeks ago, but no master had claimed her yet.

"Thank you," I say and lay hand on her shoulder, "I'm sure you'll be claimed soon," I say comfortingly. I then look up and around the room at the sheer number of Jedi all squeezed into one place. "Why do you think we're gathered here?" I ask, curious and slightly confused

"There has been an attack on the Republic, or so I've heard," she replies and worry lines cross her face.

"That can't be good. Who would attack the Republic?" I ask, feeling a slight twinge of fear. 

"Maybe the Sith who attacked you." She paused, "Laris, wasn't it?"

"It could be him, or it could be his master, Lord Tyranus," I say and rub my shoulder where the bandages still lay over the now almost healed wound. 

"Elidani, I'm sorry about what happened." She says comfortingly

"Ahsoka, it's not your fault," I say and give a small smile. "Do you know anything else about the attack?" 

"How about we go somewhere a little more private, away from the younglings," she suggests and motions to the exit door. I nod. It would be good to get out of here anyway. 

"I agree. Let's go." I say and we walk out of the door. I am met with complete peaceful and utter silence.  We walked to a meditation room in the temple. "I think we'll be safe here," I say and sit down on a meditation pillow and the door gently slides closed behind us. 

"I Agree. No youngling could overhear us through these doors," she says and sits down on the meditation pillow across from me. 

"How'd you hear about what happened?" I ask, motioning to my arm. 

"I saw you come into the temple unconscious and a bandage wrapped around your arm. I had to know what had happened to you. So I asked Dylsavi. He told me that it was a Sith, but he didn't really specify anything else." She replied, concern in her eyes, "Can... can you explain what happened?" 

"I...I dunno, it's still hard for me to understand. I don't know how I would explain it if I tried." I say and look down. 

"It's okay, Elidani. I understand." She says quietly. " you know anything else about Laris?"

"No, I don't. All he said was that he was Lord Tyranus's secret apprentice." I say quietly, almost in a whisper. 

Ahsoka opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted when the door to the room opens, revealing Jedi Master Tiscor. 

"I had a feeling you would be here." He says and looks at Ahsoka and then to me. "May I speak to Padawan Shovin alone Padawan Tano?"

"Of course Master." Ahsoka gets up gracefully and leaves the room, giving a comforting glance in my direction before the door shuts closed behind her.

"Elidani, what is wrong?" he says gently as he sits down gently in front of me. 

"I'm so confused...everything is so clouded...and then with Laris...I don't know what to do." I say, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. I look up at my father and he embraces me gently in a hug. 

"Elidani, I can sense it too, it's definitely there, but we need to stay strong, even in the face of fear." He says, holding my cheek gently in his hand and I look up at him. 

"I know, it's just that it feels like there is darkness wherever I turn," I say quietly, looking down again. 

"I can feel it too, but if we give up hope, all is lost." He says quietly.

I nod in understanding, but my mind still confused about what was happening in the galaxy, my friends, and my newly discovered family.

"Elidani, what else is bothering you?" He says gently, and I look up. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask quietly, "Why didn't you tell me you were my father?" Tears now threatening to stream down my face.

"I was forbidden to tell you." He says pulling me close and embracing me.

"Why?" I ask, even though I already know the answer. 

"Daughter, you know perfectly why. Jedi are not supposed to form attachments." he pauses. "Sometimes there are things that we cannot control, and we must trust that things will turn out for the better. We must trust in the force." He says and gives me a small kiss on my forehead. "I must leave you now. I have a meeting with the council."

"Goodbye, Father," I say quietly and give a small smile.

"Goodbye, Elidani." He says and leaves the room. 

I take a deep breath and try to meditate, but am unable to. I stand up and leave the room, strolling the corridors, also looking for Master Yoda so I could for guidance, but I find out he isn't at the temple. I go to my room in the temple and fall into a restless and uncomfortable sleep. 

//Elidani has finally spoken to her Father. What could the darkness mean?

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