Chapter 10: the first battle

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I nod and sit up before walking over to him, as he had moved to the other side of the room. We leave the room and walk to the cockpit. The holoprojector beeps as a call is coming in. Lea stands up and walks over, answering the call. The call clicks open and a video recording of Master Obi-Wan Kenobi appears. I press play as the clones on the ship and the other two padawans listen closely "Padawans, welcome to your first large scale battle simulation. You will face challenges immeasurable compared to what you have faced before." he says, stroking his beard, a familiar habit of his. "I will assure you, it is completely safe, but treat it as you would a real battle because those who put their guard down are killed in real battle. Now, A battalion of troopers is waiting for you and the troopers you are with at the drop off zone. the simulation has already started to make it seem more real as you will be dropping into a war zone. Good luck, and may the force be with you." The projector closes and we head to the ramp of the ship just as the warning lights go on. The ship shakes, and I reach for one of my lightsabers, ready to activate one at any moment. I then feel a familiar and comforting hand on my shoulder and look back to see Dylsavi, concern filling his face.

"Are you ready for this?" He asks, a large amount of concern in his voice. I nod quietly, relaxing slightly.

"I'm as ready as I think I'll ever be," I say quietly and take a deep breath.

The ramp slowly lowers just as another explosion rocks the ship. We jump, aiming at the drop zone landing gracefully, or in my case, not so gracefully on the ground. The ground immediately shakes with another loud explosion and I immediately activate one of my yellow lightsabers, the plasma blade coming to life, lighting some of the cloud of smoke around us. The blasters continue to fire for a few minutes as the smoke clears and then the slowly come to a stop. I cough and stand back up, as I had ducked down to avoid the smoke. I look around and see more clone troopers.

"They're retreating!" A trooper next to me shouts "We got em. Good job boys." he turns around and looks at us "Hello, commanders. We are preparing for the next wave of attack" he says, saluting us. I was surprised by this, but Dylsavi and Lea didn't seem to be.

"At ease soldier," Dylsavi says, putting a hand on the soldier's shoulder and the soldier relaxes. 

"Yes, sir." He says, hands hands relaxing at his sides.

I stay silent. the voices...they're all the same. I think to myself and a feeling of uneasiness sets in. Snap yourself out of it Elidani, you need to focus. You need to lead these men into battle. I think, trying to focus. I feel a glove on my shoulder and turn to see a clone looking at me with concern.

"Are you okay commander?" He says and I nod in affirmative.

"Yes, I was just lost in thought." I say, trying not to show distraction in my voice.

The troopers are resting for a bit when we hear the sound of blaster fire. The troops immediately spring up, and grab their blasters, ready for battle. Dylsavi, Lea, and I run up to help, activating our lightsabers, deflecting blaster bolts. We cut down multiple battle droids, but they just kept coming at us. At a break in the fighting, I hear my comlink beep. I click it on and press play. It was from Master Windu.

"Padawans, your objective is to take over the fully armed military base on the other side of the moon. Teams 1-10, you will take the North side; Teams 11-21, you will take the South; Teams 22-32 take the west; all other teams will take the East side. Good luck, and may the force be with you." The message closes and I run over to Dylsavi and Lea and replay the message to them.

"This is going to be hard to accomplish, but I think that if we all work together, we can do this." Dylsavi says after the video ends. I nod in agreement.

"I agree. Captain, do you have a map of the moon?" I ask, turning to the Captain.

"Yes, commander." He says and pulls up a map of the moon. It was a lot bigger than I had previously thought. We were about a days walk to the battle station, but we couldn't fly, it would draw too much attention to the droids,not like we had the ships to do that anyway.

"We could walk along the brush by the river. We can hide if in danger, and it leads directly to the south side of the fortress." I say confidently and look at the captain and the other padawans.

"That would work, but there's no way to haul the cannons." Lea says and moves a piece of hair out of her face, "but, there's a path through the forest that will be just as quick, and we can still haul the cannons."

I nod in approval at this plan. "I agree that would be a better strategy." I say, looking at Lea.

"Shall I prepare the troopers?" the captain asks, looking at me

"Yes Captain...what's your name." I ask, embarrassed I hadn't asked before

"Rocky, Captin Rocky sir," he says and gives a small nod before going off to prepare the other troopers.

"We will leave as soon as possible." Dylsavi says, picking up his bag, me and Lea following close behind with ours.

We turn on the hover mode of the cannons and push them toward the dark forest. I then go ahead of the group a little ways with a clone trooper, 'Stripe', at my side. We move forward, but I feel a sudden alertness flow through me as I look ahead. I see the sand move as an animal is sinking in its struggle to escape. "Halt!" I yell back "There's quicksand. We can't risk anyone falling in." I say and use the force to gently help the young animal out of the quicksand.

Captain Rocky's voice comes through the comms. "Commander, with all due respect, we can handle it."

"Are you sure captain?" I ask, through my comm, still on alert for any danger.

"Of course commander. This is when we were trained to do" he replies with certainty.

"Alright, just be careful. Where there's one spot of quicksand, there are bound to be others" I say, as we started the slowly move forward again.

"Noted, commander." He comms back

"Let's press forward." I say and we move forward through the dense, dark, forest.

//Hey guys! I would like to thank @PocketSizedLace for the new cover for my book! Thank you so much!

//Hey guys! I would like to thank @PocketSizedLace for the new cover for my book! Thank you so much!

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so, if you guys have any questions about the characters, feel free to ask!

thank you so much for reading my book! Send any cover ideas to! Thanks again for reading my book!

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