Chapter 6: Dreams and Visions

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I hear voices, identical to one another, surrounding me on all sides. I see many lightsabers and hear screaming and blaster fire. I see many dead Jedi throughout the galaxy, all being shot to death, but I couldn't see by who. I then I see many Jedi Masters laying dead on the Jedi temple corridors that I recognize as home. I then am taken to the council chambers where I see the Jedi younglings strewn across the floor, all dead or dying. I turn and see a Sith Lord. I look, at him, and reach for my lightsaber. He runs toward me and raises his crimson lightsaber, preparing to strike me down.

I jolt awake and automatically grab for my twin lightsabers, only to be met with my empty room inside the Jedi Temple. I sit up, pondering my dream, holding my head in my hands. I quickly brush my long, blonde hair back into a ponytail and step out of my room, trying to work out my feelings. I stroll the temple corridors for quite some time until I come upon the Jedi Council room. It is empty, all except for one person, Jedi Master Astro Starlula, my new master. She looks up at me and I know she can sense that something is wrong. 

"What is troubling you my young padawan?" She says concern filling her voice and sits down in her chair motioning to the one beside her. I sit down next to her. 

"I had a strange dream or vision...I don't know." I say, burying my head in my hands. 

"Explain your dream to me, I could probably tell you the difference," she says gently. 

I explain the dream briefly to her and she looked stunned, then calm, and then gives an understanding look to me. "I believe you had a vision, but I can't explain to you about what." she pauses, thinking. "Normally visions to young padawans and younglings are about the past, but this feels different."

"The dark hooded figure." I pause. "He killed many Jedi and then charged at me. Then there were non-force users striking down Jedi." I pause, confusion in my voice. "Why would they do such a thing? And why were their voices the same?"

She ponders this for a while and then answers, "Well, if their voices were the same, it was probably a blurred part of your vision. There is almost always a part like that." she pauses. "If the were striking multiple Jedi down, they were probably working for the sith lord you saw in your dream."

"I understand," I say quietly.

"Go and rest now. The council has a job for us to do in the morning." She says and I nod. 

"Yes, master." I leave and go quietly back to my quarters. When I enter there is the familiar sense of security. My quarters are slightly different than most. I love art, so I had a few paintings strung along the wall above my bed. They were of scenes of nature, and they help me focus when I meditate.

I set my lightsabers on the table beside my bed and lay down to sleep.


I wake up the next day to an R2 droid coming into my room. I had asked him to, but he is still a menace. I quickly get ready and met my master in the temple gardens. I was even a few minutes early.

"Elidani. Thank you for being punctual." My master says as she walks up from behind me. "We will start with meditation. Sit." I sit down beside her in a bed of grass under the original force tree.

"Master?" I ask

"Yes, Elidani?" She responds, her eyes still closed

"What are we meditating about?" I ask, "While I was a youngling, we were always given topics to focus on, is it the same now?"

"No. you must calm yourself and let the force lead your meditation." She says quietly, as if in a trance.

I close my eyes and focus. I sink deeper than I ever have into meditation and feel the force flow through me. Again I see and heard the identical men, but no sith. I see many Jedi fighting side by side fighting with them against battle droids. Then I see Padawan Skywalker, but he was older, and there was an odd feeling about him.

I am shaken out of my meditation by a royal ship flying swiftly to land at the steps of the Jedi temple. It is surely the chancellors. Master Luna is already on her feet and headed into the temple when I catch up to her.

"Master why is the chancellor here?" I ask, confused.

"It must be urgent. I must go to the council room. Go and practice your saber skills in the training room until I return." She says and I nod. 

"Yes, master," I say. And Immediately leave to train. 

//Elidani is having visions. What could they mean? what could it mean for her future? why is the chancellor at the temple? 

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