Chapter 15: Target

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Dooku releases me from his force grip mere seconds before I would be thrown unconscious. He laughs menacingly and begins to walk towards me, activating his lightsaber. "Now Shovin, you will die." He snarls, an amused smirk on his face when I sense a presence run into the courtyard. 

"Leave her alone Dooku!" I hear a voice yell and I look in the direction of the voice and see my mother running up, activating her green lightsabers. Dooku laughs menacingly and picks me up with the force, throwing me into a nearby wall with the force. Spots dance in front of my eyes as I attempt to stand up, grabbing my lightsabers with the force. I turn to see Dooku fighting her with ease, close to defeating her. I run up behind him and he flips around at the last second, deflecting my attempted attack. He continues to fight me and my mother for what seemed like hours, but was only mere minutes. After a few minutes I see  Temple Guards running around the corner, igniting their lightsaber pikes.

"Cease hostility!" One of them yells just as Dooku force pushes me back and am thrown to the ground and am now extremely weak, dizzy, and close to passing out. I see the Guards advance and Dooku jumps up the building and then drops into a nearby speeder, taking off and escaping. 

I sit up slowly and a guard walks over to me, extending his hand. I take it and stand up slowly. "Are you okay miss?" he asks and I nod quietly.

"Yes, and thank you," I say and try to smile a little. I pick up my lightsabers from the ground and place them carefully on my belt.

 I steady myself and then see my mother laying on the ground, her pain expressing her pain. I run over to her quickly, assessing her injuries. I see a few minor injuries as far as I could see, but then I saw the deep cut on her leg. One of the guards then walked up to me and motioned for me to stand up so a Jedi Healer could take care of her, but I don't move I wouldn't...I couldn't leave her. Dylsavi then runs up to me and kneels down next to me, taking my arm and gently helping me stand up.

"Elidani, there's nothing you can do. You have to trust them. They'll take care of her." He says quietly and I shake my head. He gives me a small hug and leads me to the bench where I was sitting earlier.

"I can't just leave her, I have to help her!" I say stubbornly and try to break free of his grip on my arm, but don't succeed, due to my weakness from the concussion and the medication and from fighting Dooku. "let me go!" I say, on the verge of tears. 

"Elidani..." he says calmly and I calm down a little, sitting down, tears streaming down my cheeks Dylsavi gently wipes them away. 

"I can't stand seeing her like that," I say quietly, looking down, blinking away tears.

"I know how you feel, but it's the will of the force for the moment." He says softly, understanding filling his voice.

"No, you don't..." I say quietly, looking up at him.

"Elidani...when you fell off that wall, I didn't know what to think. I blamed myself. I could have protected you, and I didn't. But I had to move on, I hated seeing you hurt, seeing you in pain, but I couldn't do anything about it.  When you saw Master Luna hurt, you blamed yourself. You could have protected her, but there were complications that got in the way, mainly a Sith Lord. You can't help what the force wills." He says and I nod, trying to convince myself that what he said was true.

"I...I understand what you're trying to say." I say and look up at him. I feel a strangely dark, but familiar presence on the roof above us. I turn around, searching the roof. 

I cry out as I feel a sharp prick of pain in my elbow, I look down to see a dart embed itself in my skin I pluck it out, but the canister has already filtered into my bloodstream. Spots flash in front of my eyes and I hear my name being called and then a lightsaber being activated. I feel Dylsavi catch me as I fall forward. 

"Laris..." is all I am able to sputter out before my vision goes black and I fade into unconsciousness. 

//Hey Guys! thank you for reading! 

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