Chapter 13: The Fortress

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After recovering from the attack for another half-hour, we decide it would be a good decision to keep moving towards the separatist fortress. The Cannons were becoming harder and harder to move, but we pressed onward. We then come to a small river in the way of our path. I turn around and look back at the others.

"We have to go through, but the question is how." I say turning and looking at Stripe, who was acting Captain for the time being.

"Commander, all due respect, but the cannons can't handle this. they will be disabled for sure. With the damage they sustained from the surprise attack, they wouldn't be able to block out the water to that extent. somehow I feel that they won't be able to fire correctly by the end of all this." He says, motioning to the two remaining cannons whose shields were almost completely gone. I nod and look around for objects that could be used for a bridge so we could move the cannons across the river. I see a few large, fallen trees that looked in relatively stable condition.

"Well, we can use those trees to make a makeshift bridge that we can take the cannons over, the rest of us will have to go through the river." I say and look at  him, then motioning Dylsavi over.

"Elidani, what is it?" Dysavi says, smiling a little as he walks over.

"We need to move those trees to make a bridge to the other side of the river so we can haul the cannons across. I need your help to lift them with the force." I say, pointing over to the fallen trees.

"Got it." He says and we walk over the the large trees.

"You ready?"I say looking over at him once we reach the trees.

"As I'll ever be." He says and reaches his hand out, closing his eyes and focusing on moving the large trees. I join him, focusing on the largest tree as well. We set it gently down across the river. We do the same for two other trees, and finally stop. I take a deep breath and open my eyes.

We go back to the remaining troopers and grab our packs, preparing to move. I motion for us to start moving and the cannons begin to move to the bridge. The first tanks begins to move across the bridge and I hear the groan of the trees beneath our feet. I just hope they can hold. The first tank makes it safely to the other side. the second tank is in the middle of the bridge when the trees begin to crack. I have the men evacuate and they make it to the other side just as the bridge snaps beneath their feet, the tank and trees falling into the river below. I force Jump off of one of the logs just before it collapses and land on the riverbank, the last one to shore.

"We better get moving, we don't want to be tracked." I say and use the force to push the tank into a deeper part of the water beneath the surface.

We hike for hours until we finally have sight of the fortress.

"There it is!" I comm back to the group, as I had been scouting ahead, pointing at the horizon, looking at the other Scout. "only about an hour more. be on alert for enemy spies and snipers."

"of course commander," the scout says and we advance forward.

About an hour later, we reach the base and are met with a troop of heavily armed battle droids.

"Battle positions!" I say into my wrist comm, activating my lightsabers and deflect the blaster shots back at the droids. We fire on the droids and eventually defeat the first wave, but three destroyer droids roll in activating their shields, I deflect the shots, but Lea wasn't so lucky. The stun bolt hit her, knocking her out instantly. A republic gunship came down and a few clones came out to make sure she was okay before they moved her back to the cruiser until the end of the simulation. Three detonators rolled to the droids, and I cringe a little as they explode.

"Come on Elidani, we have to keep going," Dylsavi said and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"alright," I say and then comm for us to advance. The clones advance and we move forward, but I suddenly stop, sensing something was off. Stripe walks up to me.

"Are you alright Commander?" He says, concern in his voice.

"yeah, I just thought I sensed something. Keep the troops on high alert" I say, deactivating my lightsabers.

"Of course commander," he says and goes over to the other troops.

We move forward and shot our cables up to scale the large wall. We climb up and I jump onto the top, destroying the droids with my lightsabers. I feel a darkness to my right and turn. There I came face to face with Darth Laris, standing on the other side of the wall I was on. I stare at him, trying not to show any emotion.

"ahh, I see we meet again Padawan Shovin" he cackles, activating his lightsaber.

"I'm not afraid of you Darth Laris." I say looking him dead in the eyes.

Laris looked at me, amusement in his eyes. "Then I believe you will die braver than most."

He charges at me and we clash blades, fighting for our lives. It was at this moment that Dylsavi tops the wall and runs forward, joining the fight. We fight Laris for several minutes while the clones shoot down incoming battle droids and call for help. We fight Laris with everything we have, but it's not enough. I hear the shot of a blaster behind me and everything goes black.

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