Chapter sixteen.

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(IMPORTANT: okay so I changed Justin's pov in the last chapter, go reread that, I'm sorry I didn't like how it was and it didn't really make sense, it makes more sense now, so please go read it, if you haven't, if you have then your fine.)

Raegan's pov.

"Ryan?" I questioned.

"Oh yeah hi Raegan." He says awkwardly.

"I thought you were dead?" I asked so confused.

"I faked it." He stated.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well because I was a spy for one direction. You do whatever you got to for work. Plus I have Benson." He says. A girl? Comes in the room and kisses Ryan on the lips.

"Hey my little ninja turtle." She says and turns towards me, but staying at Ryan's side.

"Raegan meet Benson." He introduces us.

"Hi." I shyly wave. She smiles and waves back.

"Wait how'd you pull off being dead? Jack and his dad pulled you outside and barried  you? Didn't they?" I question confused again.

"Jack was in on it. His dad well we drugged him, he's quite dumb actually, plus right before the attack he snorted three lines of coke." Ryan explained.

"I will admit your clever, but to leave Danny and Justin there crying, thinking you died, they didn't leave they're room for a month!" I exclaimed. He shrugged. Wow asshole.

After talking with Ryan, I walked into what looked like the living room? I searched for something to cover myself with, I was very uncomfortable. I found a blanket with a baby pug which reminded me of Bella, Kale's old pug. She was adorable. I covered myself and laid down, incredibly tired. My eyes drooped, I felt sleep consume my body and I drifted off.

Justin's pov. (A month later)

I have been training basically non stop for a month. We're almost ready to start the war. Of course I missed my baby. It was hard living with out him. I kinda got used to it, which is bad, but I know as soon as I have him in my arms, I'll be back. I was training right now. I had some rap music playing and a dummy in front of me. I was doing non stop kicks to the head. I was tired but I wasn't going to stop.

"Justin!" Someone yelled but I guess I couldn't hear them. I felt a tap on my shoulder, surprised I turned around and punched them, they fell to the ground hard. I heard them groan in pain. I looked down and saw Gerard.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry Gerard. You just scared the living crap out of me, here lets get you some ice." I pulled him upstairs and to the kitchen getting a ice pack and putting it on his cheek. Michael and Calum came through the door.

"What happened?" Michael questioned. I was about to answer but was cut off with him continuing.

"Wait never mind I don't care, Justin go get some sleep." Michael demanded.

"What why? I still have to train more?" I argued.

"No were fighting tomorrow." Michael stated.

"What really? We're going to start the war? Tomorrow?" I asked still confused.

"Yes I already said that, keep up Justin." Michael laughed.

"But seriously go get some sleep, you'll need it." He continued. I nodded and went up stairs to get ready for bed, even though it was only four in the after noon. I took some sleeping pills and jumped in bed, falling asleep.

Raegan's pov.

It's been a month. A month without actually being happy. Without actually smiling. Without Justin. I've grown really depressed. He was my reason to smile. My reason to be happy. He was my reason for everything. I started cutting again. I stole Louis's sweaters to hide them. None of them questioned it. And none of them new about the others, coming. I did. I had this gut feeling about it. I didn't know when exactly. But it was soon.

I'm just sitting in the living room. I was so tired. Not psychically but mentally. I needed Justin. I needed him. He was, he is my everything. God I love him so much. I grabbed a blanket from the end of the couch. And curled into a ball and fell asleep.

Kale's pov.

Australia was beautiful. All the cool nature. All the nice places. I saw twenty one pilots live. Let me say, they're more amazing in person. Yup I met them too. Before the show. Ugh man wish I could turn back time to that moment. Jacks been good too. We've taken this to the next level. We have kids!!!! Well actually puppies, but they're still our babies. We have two pugs. A boy named Milo and a girl named Lola. They're our babies and we couldn't be happier parents.

Sadly today Jack said it was almost time to go home. Which made me quite sad, I mean no more waking up to Jack cooking for me. No more late night cuddle, awe who am I kidding, there's always going to late night cuddling. I'm a cuddler, I love my cuddles. Michael said we were going to be staying with his mom, which didn't happen because she ended up having to leave for work. Which didn't bother me or Jack, I mean this whole things been basically a vacation.

"Hey Kale?" Jack asked crashing my train of thought.

"Yeah babe?" I answered still kinda dazed.

"Are we going to take our children home with us?" He questioned.

"Well duh, we not just going to abandon our babies." I said putting a hand on my butt.

"Wait why'd you put your hand on your butt and not your heart." Jack said confused.

"Because face it honey, we all know my butts bigger then my heart." I laughed. Jack laughed. And oh man, let me tell you, watching his eyes crinkle and his lips curl into a smile is the most best thing in the world.

"Jack have I told you how much I loved you today?" I asked.

"No, I don't think you have." He said pretending to think about it.

"Well I love you sooooooooo freaking much." I exclaimed falling into his lap laughing.

"How much to be exact?" He questioned teasingly.

"This much." I said and got up to stretched my arms horizontally as far as they could go.
Jack smiled and kissed me on my lips. He hugged me which pulled me back down again.

"I love you too Kale." He said.

"How much?" I questioned.

"This much." And he tackled me, he strangled my hips. He leaned down and said.

"Come to the bedroom and find out." He got up and jumped. And boy did I know we were gonna cuddle and watch movies all night.

(A/n: you guys thought I was gonna make them frick? Ya little nasties. Nah this is partly rated pg, there's sorta swearing, sexual remarks, but no sexual scenes. I ain't about that life man, I'm still partly innocent. Except for sin musicallys, but that's the nastiest it gets. Okay. So I hope you enjoyed this part. And be prepared for the next chapter. Love ya, bye.)

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