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"Jiya WAKE UP! you will be late for your graduation day" Jiya's mom Zareena shouts from the kitchen. Jiya wakes up excitedly as now her college is over and she can marry her love of life Sameer. Jiya has been waiting for this day from long time and when the day has come there is no limit for her happiness.

Sameer was her senior in college and he had already got job and planning to settle in America after their marriage. They are waiting for the completion of Jiya's graduation as that was Jiya's dad Farooq's condition for them to get married.

Jiya was desperately waiting for Sameer after the completion of graduation ceremony at the entrance of the college. Sameer came after 30 minutes but he was not at all happy to see her. He looked tensed and worried. Jiya thought he is just being nervous to propose her.

They went to park and Jiya is eagerly waiting for him to propose but after hearing what he said her heart sank into stomach "I am sorry Jiya. I can't marry you. I love someone else. I wanted to tell you this before but I didn't have the courage to break your heart. I can't take this anymore."

Jiya was in shock. Sameer saw the state Jiya was in and he wanted to stop himself as he did several times in rhe past but he can't keep her in dark any more so he continued "We can't be happy even if we get married. You are too different from the girl I wanted in my life. At first I felt like you are the one but as I got to know you better I realized, you are so immature and you live in fairyland. I want a girl who is responsible and smart. "

Sameer was not able to continue further when he saw tears in Jiya's eyes. His heart is breaking to see her in this state. He really likes her and thought he loved her but when he met Mehak he realized that it's not love. He was just attracted to Jiya. Jiya is very beautiful. Her beauty and innocence intrigued him but as he got to know her he realized that She is not the one for him.

He mustered up the courage and ignoring her tears. He continued. "
She is everything I want in my partner. I know you are hurt but you will forget me with time but if we get married then you will be hurt all your life and I can't be happy too as I will have someone else in my heart. You might not understand me now but when you meet the one made for you. You will thank me for not marrying you. I am sorry again. I have to go. I hope one day you can understand me and forgive me. "

Jiya was speechless. She thought it was a nightmare and she will wake up soon but nothing that sort of happened and she felt like her heart is crushed by someone. She felt heart broken after hearing this, she can't believe that Sameer has done this to her.

Tears are flowing continuously from her eyes she turned towards him and by holding his hand, she said "NO,NO,YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!! I LOVE YOU. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ,PLEASE"

but Sameer removed her hand from his and said "Sorry but I don't love you anymore". With this he left without turning back, leaving her devastated. She fell on her knees and cried her heart out.

Jiya felt as her world crashed down, the dreams she dreamt of their future together,getting married to him, having kids with him. Having a happy family with him. Everything fell apart. There is not a single second in future which she thought without him. He was there in her every moment. She felt like She has no future now. She always wanted a happy family with her love. She had no big dreams. She just wanted a simple life with her husband and kids which seems impossible now.

In last two years Sameer has become her world. She was counting the days to get married to him . she was so much in love with him that she had not noticed the change in his behaviour. How he tried to avoid talking to her or meeting her, How he was not happy in her company, How he got irritated on small things. Everything came crashing to her and she realized how foolish she has been to ignore all these signs before. She hated herself for being stupid.

At that moment she decided she will never fall in love again. She will never trust a man's words again. Sameer was so good to her. He used to praise her, care for her, love her and respect her. He promised her that he will never leave her and will always love her but that was all just a facade. He never loved her. All men are the same. They can never be with one girl.

Jiya went home with broken heart and tears in her eyes. Zareena saw the state she was in and understood something was wrong with her. She went to her, when Jiya saw her mother she broke down and cried hugging her mother. Jiya started to cry like a child in Zareena's embrace. She told everything to her mother.Her mother tried to console her but she was worried for her daughter. Jiya has very sensitive heart. Zareena slowly made her sleep in her lap and tried to say few soothing words but she knows that it's not going to be easy to make her forget everything. She hated Sameer for hurting her daughter.

One Year Later:

Nearly one year has passed after her break up but still Jiya has not moved on. She is living her life as an living corpse no emotions, no feelings just like a Robot. Jiya's parents can't see her in this state. They tried their best to make her normal but there is no change in her. They had only one daughter and she meant their world. They are not able to stay back and watch her spoiling her life for that guy who is married and moved on. After lots of thinking they decided to get her married so she can forget her past and move on in her life.

Maan Khan, the new raising sensation in business world. He had reached the heights in a very young age of 25 years. Maan's mom Ayesha want him to get married and settle down in his life but Maan is not yet ready to get married.

Maan is in meeting in his office When his phone began to ring. He picked up the phone and his mom Ayesha's voice rang in his ears. She sounded very excited and seemed very happy.

"Assalamwalikum Ammi, What happened, you seem to be in a great mood?" He asked.

Ayesha said"Walaikumassalam, Yes, I think I finally found your perfect bride".

Maan got irritated "Ammi, I don't want to get married so early. Please stop interfering in my life. I will get married when I want to. Atleast give me a year."

Ayesha rolled her eyes and said, "Last time also you said the same thing and for your information your one year time limit got over. As per your promise last year you have to get married to the girl I choose for you".

Maan rubbed his forehead as this topic is giving him headache and said ,"but ammi there are still 15 days left for the completion of one year".

Ayesha dramatically said "I will choose the girl and you can marry her after 15 days. If you say no I will think that the promise you made to me doesn't matter to you and you don't care about me"

Maan sighed and said"There is no use talking to you Ammi do as you like.".

Ayesha said "So you agreed to get married. I will talk to the girls family today only, Who knows you might change your mind".

Maan cut the call and adjourned the meeting. He sat on his chair dejectedly and leaned back on it. He closed his eyes and started thinking about the girl he met one year ago.


One year ago he was going home from office and it was raining, suddenly his car stopped on road so he got down and was checking the car when he heard a laugher of a girl. He turned around and saw a beautiful girl in white dress eating chat with her friends. He got so mesmerised by her beauty. Her beautiful eyes were shining like stars and her smile was giving strange tingles in his heart, she was looking so innocent,very lively and cheerful. She was teasing her friend about something and laughing. She was so full of life. He felt that if she comes in his life she will fill his life with full of colours and happiness. He wanted to talk to her but they were on the other side of the road and he was trying to cross the road but she left with her friend before he can reach her

Flashback ends.

He was looking for her since then but can't find her. He has gone to that place many times in hope that she will come again. She has not left his mind for even a second but he has to marry someone else now. He always wanted to be a one woman man. He will be loyal to his wife. He has to forget about her as it's not right to keep her in his heart when he is going to marry someone else. May be they are not meant to be together but still his heart says she is the one for him.

Hope you are enjoying:)

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