19. Gave Up

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Maan's pov:

I picked the call and spoke on phone while moving towards balcony, "Heyy Sameer. How are you? When are you coming to India? "

Sameer said, " Hi bro. I am fine. Don't worry. I am coming to India tomorrow actually I need a favor"

I said, "Tell me what I can do for you?"

Sameer said, "I booked the hotel but they canceled my booking due to some maintenance issue. There are no empty rooms available and even I checked other hotels but still no use so please can I stay in your house for few days till I find an apartment?"

I angrily said, "Sameer I never thought you will make me feel this distant. I already told you to stay with us but still you booked the hotel."

Sameer said, "Sorry bro I don't want to trouble you. You already did a lot for me"

I sighed and said, "You are like a brother to me Sameer. You can never be burden on me. You can stay with us as long as you want."

Sameer said, "Thanks bro."

I said, "no need of it. Call me when you reach. I will come to pick you."

Sameer said, "Okay Bro"

I said, "see you tomorrow then. Bye"

Sameer said, "Bye"

I ended the call and walked towards our bed but it was empty. Where she went? I sighed and thought I can sleep peacefully now. I don't know what happened to her but she is behaving very different. Good different but I can't handle it if she changes again so I am scared to accept her or give in to her wishes. Let's stop thinking and get some sleep now.

I tried to sleep but I can't. it feels so lonely without her. I am getting habituated to her. I can't do it. I have to stop this. If I get more dependent on her then It will be hard to live without her. Already it breaking my heart to think of having a life without her but if I get more dependent on her then I might die when she leave me. I may sound selfish but I have to stay away from her.

I tried to sleep but still can't so finally I took her pillow in my arms and then I slept after a while inhaling her slight scent coming from the pillow.

Jiya's pov:

I came down and saw Ayesha aunty cooking dinner and Zaan was helping her.

The kitchen was open kitchen and attached to hall and dining table was placed a little close to the kitchen. Zaan was sitting on one of the chairs of dining table. I took one chair and sat in front of Zaan.

Zaan looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

Aunty said, " Jiya, why you came down so early? You must be tired from journey ,take rest. I will call you when dinner is ready."

I said, "I am fine Aun..Ammi. I want to help you"

Ayesha Aunty said, " no no beta. Zaan will help me."

I said, "But I want to"

Ayesha Aunty sighed and said, "Fine. Will you cut this vegetables for me?"

I said, "Sure" and took plate from her and started cutting them.

I have not spent much time with Zaan and Aunty. I was in my own world when I came here but now I want to know them and become part of Maan's world.

I said, "Ammi are you preparing sweet?" because I saw Zaan was working with dry fruits.

Aunty said, "yes. I am preparing Kheer."

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