50. New Life

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Maan's pov:

I came home from office and Ammi is waiting for me.

I said, "Ammi. It's 2 in the night. Why are you still awake?".

Ammi said, "You came. Have dinner."

I said, "I am tired. I am not hungry. I will go to my room. I have an early meeting tomorrow. Please don't wait for me Ammi. Sleep early it's not good for your health."

Ammi said, "It applies to you as well. You come home late and leave early. you stay whole night at office sometimes. You don't visit us for days when you have deadlines. Whom are you running from Maan? What are you planning to do with your life? If something happens to you then how will I live? You have forgotten to live since Jiya left."

I don't like hearing her name so I said, "Don't take her name Ammi. I am fine. Actually I am too happy now than I was with her. I am reaching new heights Everyday."

Ammi said," Why don't you marry again? I know you are growing professionally but you are losing your personal life. Listen to me, forget everything and start afresh."

I said, "I am fine. I don't want any women in my life. I am good alone. I want it to be this way. I don't want to talk on this topic and one more thing, Next week we have to go to award ceremony. "

It's been five months and today I am going to receive biggest gift of my life. I have took my first step towards my goal. Today I am receiving best young entrepreneur award.

From here my new life start. I will give my best to be the top business man. I will achieve it. This is my first step towards it.

Jiya's pov:

It's been five months since we shifted to London. I still miss Maan everyday. I used to see him on news when we recently came here but I was going into depression because of that so doctor suggested me to avoid watching anything related to him. They think I can forget him by doing so but the truth is it can never happen. He will always be there in my life, in my heart and in the lives of my children even as a memory but he will be there. I am having twins. One boy and one girl. I can't wait to see them. Only one month left.

Maan would have been so happy to know this but he is not here. I hope he is happy. I wish he get what he desires for.

Tears started flowing from my eyes. I miss you Maan. I love you.

Salina said, "You again started crying. Jiya it's not good for the babies. You forgot what doctor said. It's not good to take stress it will affect your health. You are already weak."

I hugged her and said, " I miss him Salina. Every second with my every breath. How will I live?"

I can see tears in her eyes. She said, "Everything will be fine Jiya. Don't cry."

Sameer came and said, "Hello ladies, What are you doing? I prepared breakfast. Let's have it."

Salina said, "Yeah we are coming."

Sameer said, "You are also coming, right?"

I nodded.

I am not angry with Sameer anymore. I was not talking to him when we came here. It took months for me to forgive him but now I have forgiven him but still he lives in guilt. I don't know when he will forgive himself. Salina loves him alot I can see that he is not in stage to understand it. Salina also never says anything. I also don't want to interfere between him. What he did was wrong but he is always there for me and also I don't want to my babies to learn to hate when they are in my womb. I want them to be just like their father. Soft hearted, down to earth, Loving, understanding and caring.

Flashback starts

When we came here. I had very bad morning sickness and weird carvings. Even it was in late night Sameer used to get whatever I ask for. I didn't knew it was him at first. I thought it was Salina but then I got to know it was him.

He reads so many books about pregnancy. Ididn't allow him to come near me so he used to massage my feet when I am sleeping.

Whatever he does still it was not in me to forgive him. I always wonder what Maan would have done?

Sameer never talked to me or came near me when I am awake. He always try to avoid confronting me. He never looks in my eyes. He never asked me to forgive him except for that day.

We went to shop for babies clothes we were crossing road but I didn't see a car coming towards me. It was about to hit me when Sameer pulled me back but he got hit by it.

His condition was very bad. At that time he asked me, "I don't know If I will live or not. Anyway I have nothing to live for. It might be better to die than live in this guilt and see you suffering everyday because of my mistakes but as my wish I want to ask for your forgiveness. Please forgive me Jiya. "

I said," I forgive you but you have to live for Salina, for me and for my babies"

Flashback ends

He got out alive. It's been two months. We are on talking terms now but still there is awkwardness.

Ahh.. I suddenly feel pain. My water broke. Oh my God but it just eight months.

I shouted, "Salina My water broke"

They took me to hospital. It's too painful. I needed Maan the most at this time.

After 10 hours of labour pain I gave birth to my bundle of joys. My babies. First my little boy 'Ruhaan khan' who is exact replica of his dad, his eyes, his lips, his hair everything. My cute daughter 'Aarzoo khan' whose lips and hair are like me but remaining features are of Maan. I named them after the names chosen by Maan. Blessings of their father will always be with them in that way.

From here my new life starts. I will give my best to provide everything to my children. My life goal is their happiness this is my first step towards it.

Hope you enjoyed :) ❤️

Thank you for being with me in this Journey. I am really thankful to all of you. It's not possible with out your love. Thanks a lot.

This is the last chapter of this book.

It has part two which will start with three years leap.

The book name is 'You are all mine'

It has other couple stories along with Maan/Jiya (Maanya).

I hope you like that book as well.

Melodious song 💕💕

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