32. Shock

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Jiya's pov:

I said, "I want you to remarry."

He looked at me for a while and said, "Okay"

I am beyond shocked right now. I never in my worst nightware thought he will agree so easily. I should be happy that he agreed but no it hurts so badly that he agreed so easily.

He said, "I have an idea about this. When you asked my opinion on second marriage saying your friend said so. I suspected that you are talking about yourself. I thought about it and I think if you have no problem then why should I bother?"

Oh God why his every word is like a stab to my heart

He said,"so you have any girl in your mind. You took this decision as well without considering my opinion "

I felt like he is taunting me.

I said," What do you mean? "

He said," No. I mean I want to choose the girl."

I was scared to ask but still I asked.

I asked, "D-Do you.. have any girl in your mind?"

He said, "yes."

My heart broke into pieces

I said, "Who?"

He said, "My secretary Laila. I thought she would be perfect for Zaan but he said he is not interested in marriage so I dropped it but I think we are meant to be. She is perfect beauty.. Strong willed..Confident.."

I want to kill him for praising someone else in front of me.

Maan's pov:

I can see how her face turned red with anger when I praised some other girl in front of her. She can't even handle this and she wants me to remarry. This time I won't beg her to stay. I was so angry that I wanted to throttle her beautiful neck but then I thought it's of no use. I should make her realize her stupidity.

She said, "Maan I am done with food. Let's go home."

I said, "You have not even ate a spoonful."

She said, "I am not hungry"

I said, "Okay then let's go"

She came beside me and got hold of my hand but I slowly removed my hand from her hold. I can see hurt in her eyes but I behaved like I don't care

Once we sat in car I started driving. After sometime I felt her head resting on my shoulder.

I said, "Jiya move back. I can't drive."

She said," Okay"

I can see tears started flowing from her eyes. I wanted to hug her and wipe her tears but I controlled myself. Her each tear is like a stab. It's painful to see her like this but she left me with no choice.

Once we reached home I directly went to washroom then Changed into night clothes and I silently lied on bed. After sometime I felt her presence beside me. As usual she moved closer to me and placed her head on my chest and wrapped her arm around my waist.

I removed her hand and said, "It's so hot today. Please stay on your side."

With this I turned my back towards her. I can hear her sobs which she is trying to suppress. I can't sleep as well. My hands are itching to take her in my arms but nope she has to realize.

Morning I woke up and went to washroom and as usual did my routine and came out, surprisingly Jiya was sitting on bed looking at me. She never wakes up this early.

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