10. Letting Go

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Jiya's Pov:

I came to the parking lot. I saw Maan was standing near our car and talking to someone. When I got nearer, I can see the girl face clearly it was Salina. I was about to join them when I heard her words. My legs got glued at its place. My heart stopped beating for a second.

Salina said, 'I love you. I fell in love with you when I first saw you. It's my fault that I left you to sort my feelings because I was hurt that you don't have any feelings for me but it's really hard to stay away from you.My love has just grown for you. I can never forget you. You are the only one for me. Please accept my love. Will you give me another chance? '

She hugged Maan and she looked at me and smiled. I was shocked she knew I was here but still she confessed her feelings to my husband. Maan had not said anything but still he didn't move back when she hugged him. I don't want to see or hear what he have to say. I left from there.

My mind is blasting with all the thoughts. I have no idea where I was going? what I am going to do? I saw a park nearby and sat on bench to clear my mind.

All signs came to my mind..

A cool guy like me stuck with you

I don't want to go on honeymoon

Salina was his girlfriend

She was here when we came to our honeymoon so it means he called her here

Last time when I ignored all these things I was badly hurt and heart broken but all this time on our honeymoon he was with me. He has not left me for a second. Whatever it is I am quite sure he married me because of his Ammi. Maybe he was irritated with his Ammi because he was forced to marry me.

he is nice person he deserves happiness. He had not complain​ed about anything and trying to accept our relationship but he can never be happy with me if his heart is with someone else.

I really like him a lot and I will give him his happiness, his love Salina to him

We are not real couple but it still hurts to think of him with someone else but I can't be selfish. I can't give him the love he deserves so I should let him go so he can get his love, his happiness and it's Salina.

Now I can understand what Sameer has said to me that we can't be happy even if we get married because he doesn't love me anymore.

I don't hate sameer now. I totally let him go by this second. I don't have any feeling remaining for him not even anger or hatred.

This is all because of Maan. The second he entered my life he had only made it better but I have to let him go now so he can make his life better.

Don't worry I will set everything to it's place Maan. I hope we can at least remain friends forever.

I went back to mall to see if he is still there. I saw police car and police officers all over the mall. I went closer and saw Maan was talking to one of the police officer. He looked very tense. I went there. when he saw me he ran towards me and embraced me so tight that it became really hard to breathe for me.

Maan said, "Where have you been? I was scared to death. You are fine, right?"

I said, "I am fine. I just went outside to get some fresh air"

Maan got really angry and started shouting, "are you really out of your mind? How can you do this? How can you go alone in this new city. If something happened to you then what should I say to your parents? You are my responsibility. Don't you feel necessary to atleast call me once?I told you I will be waiting for you at parking lot"

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