29. Mask

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Maan's pov:

My plane has landed and right now I am sitting in car and heading towards home. My mind is fully occupied by Jiya. I really missed her. I didn't even call her properly as whenever I hear her voice, I just want to leave everything and go back to her. So I avoided talking to her. I didn't answer her calls and messages. I know she will be angry. She thinks It doesn't matter to me if she is with me or not. Only If she know the truth how I spent my days.. Without her. It was like hell. I missed her presence beside me. Her sweet smile, her cute blush. The way she hugs me while I sleep. The way she smiles at me. I have not eaten dinner properly as it become a habit to have it with her. Finally I going to see her. Three months have been hell for me. I will never leave her alone..

I reached home and stood in front of door and rang the bell. Ammi opened the door and smiled looking at me. I hugged her and she said, "Maan beta I missed you. Come inside." Zaan, Sameer and Aliya are sitting on sofa in hall but the one whom my eyes are searching is nowhere to be found. Zaan came towards me and gave bro hug. Aliya smiled and said, "I am happy you are back. We were waiting for you"

I can't handle my curiosity so I asked, "Where is Jiya? "

Zaan said, "We all are here but you only want to see your wife. You are whipped bro"

I said, "Shut up Zaan"

Ammi said, "She must be sleeping. At least she should have woke up early today but no. She doesn't even care her husband is coming after three months"

I was shocked on her way of speaking. There was so much hate. May be I am over thinking.

I said, "I am very tired and I will rest now."

I came to my room and there she was sleeping like angel.. My angel.. She looks so cute and innocent while sleeping just like kid.. I freshened up and joined her in bed. I took her in my arms and she snuggled more into my chest. I feel contended. I missed her presence.. Now I can peacefully sleep after so long..

I woke up after sometime but she is still sleeping.. I was looking at her I don't know for how long.. Then she slowly opened her eyes and a cute smile crept on her lips.

She said, "I wish you were really here. Ahhh I am tired of dreaming every morning about him. I miss him"

I said, "Really?"

She just nodded then her eyebrows creased in fun then she said, "You are talking to me.. Are you real?"

She slowly brought her hand to touch my cheek but I caught it and said, "Let me show you how real I am" by saying this I slammed my lips on hers and started kissing her. Its been so long since I tasted those lips. It feels so good. She also melted in my kiss. I don't know how long we kissed..

I released her lips and placed my forehead on her and said, "I missed you"

She quickly got up and looked at watch and said, "Oh God. I slept at last moment. I was waiting for you. I have not slept for a second last night but see I slept just before your arrival. I am so stupid" she kept on rambling and I was just listening to her. But then

She said,"I am such a bad wife". I placed my finger on her lips and said, "No Jiya. You are not a bad wife. Don't ever say that. You know how scared I was while coming. I thought you will be angry with me for avoiding your calls and messages and leaving you for three months. You might be thinking that I am a very bad husband and I don't care about you"

She hugged me and said, "Don't say that you can never be bad. you are the best husband. I know if you had a choice you would never leave me alone. I can never doubt your love." tears started flowing from her eyes

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