11. Confusion

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Maan's pov:

Ammi did a very good thing by sending us here. What ever she does always turns out to be best things in my life. Ammi gave best gift of my life when she brought Jiya in my life. I love you Ammi. You are the best.

It was best time of my life. These five days are like dream come true. They are very beautiful days of my life. I hope I can make Jiya love me. I can see she has changed a lot. She is not awkward around me anymore. She is very comfortable with me. She looked very happy and seems like she is enjoying a lot. She is not disliking our closeness. She is slowly opening her heart to me. I hope one day I have place in her heart. She is also showing her right on me like a wife demanding and forcing me to do things which are very childish as per my opinion but still I am feeling very happy and content by fulfilling her small small wishes. The smile that comes on her face when I agree to her words make my heart flutter. I can trade my whole world for her happiness.

I was waiting for Jiya at parking lot after we won best couple event and suddenly I bumped into Salina. She was really happy to meet me and I was scared that what if Jiya sees us together. She will again think something is going on between us and then my sweet honeymoon will be ruined.

Salina said, "Hi Maan, what a surprise? How come you are here? Business trip?"

I said, "No. Actually I came with wife for our honeymoon. What are you doing here?"

Salina said, "I came here for business purpose and for My love. I got to know He is here so.. "

I don't know why Jiya thinks she loves me.. It will be helpful to me if I know whom she loves so let just solve this puzzle.

I said, "please don't mind. I am just curious to know. Who is the lucky guy? Do I know him?"

She said, "Yes you know him and I will tell you about him very soon. I need your help. Will you help me to get my love?"

How can I help her... ?I hope I won't get in any trouble by helping her...

I asked her, "How can I help you?"

Salina said, " I want to express my love for him but I am scared that he might get me wrong so I need your help for that?"

I said, "You want me to talk to him but it's better if you confess to him directly. He will Unde-"

Salina interrupted me and said, "No, no, I just want you to pretend to be my boyfriend and listen to my confession then tell me as a man what you think about it and give me your suggestion"

I said, "it's your personal matter. How can I? I mean tell him honestly what you feel"

Salina said, "please Maan. You are my friend. Please help me with it. I just want you to listen to it once. "

I said,"okay, okay fine. I will help you"

Salina said, 'I love you. I fell in love with you when I first saw you. It's my fault that I left you to sort my feelings because I was hurt that you don't have any feelings for me but it's really hard to stay away from you. My love has just grown for you. I can never forget you. You are the only one for me. Please accept my love. Will you give me another chance? '

Suddenly she hugged me. I was dumbstruck, my full concentration was on her confession then her unexpected action taken me aback. Once I gained my sanity I pushed her slowly and said, "your confession is good but before taking any further step just wait for his answer okay"

She just smiled and said "okay"

I said, "you came here for shopping or just to recheck your confession"

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