3. Engagement Day

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Maan's POV:

Maan was flabbergasted Can I marry a girl who doesn't love me? I always wanted a wife who will love me unconditionally. I was so confused what to do? What can I reply to her? Can any man be okay with it? Am I okay with it? I was fighting with my inner turmoil.

when I heard her sweet voice. I turned and looked in her eyes I saw so many emotions in them hurt, pain, sorrow . She said,"I got your answer. no need to say anything.Your silence spoke a lot. You are not okay with it. I understand even I would have done the same thing. Let's go to elders, they are waiting for us."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me , she immediately took her hand away and I realized my mistake. she moved back and made distance between us, looking straight in her eyes I said " I am sorry for touching you. OFCOURSE I am not okay with your condition. You don't know anything about me. We have just met and you are so sure that you won't be able to love me. On what basis you have made this decision? I know you had bad past. It doesn't mean that you will ruin your present. I am not asking you to love me right now but I want you to give me a fair chance. Don't judge me on your past experience. Get to know me and then make a opinion on me that you can love me or not. Can you do that? "

Jiya's POV:

I was shocked by his words. But he was not wrong. May be judging him because of Sameer is wrong but I doubt that he will any different. I will try my best to not be unfair to him because of my past. I said what I felt right at that moment " I will try. But I can't promise you". He smiled and said "thanks. That's all I want. Now let's go."

We came down and said yes to the proposal.I don't know everything is going too fast.Our parents decided that the engagement will be in a week and after two weeks marriage. Abba was reluctant at first. He said it's too early but Ayesha Aunty was not listening to anyone. She said, She was waiting from too long for Maan's marriage and she can't wait any longer. I am so scared I will be married in two weeks with a stranger. I have no idea What my life is going to be?

hope everything goes right and I too can find happiness in this my new step of life. As I said to him I will try my best to make this work.

Maan's POV:

I can't believe this is really happening. I am getting married in two weeks and with the girl I desire to marry. It's unbelievable. She will be mine finally. Tomorrow we are going to shop to select rings for engagement. Ammi wanted Jiya to select ring of her choice,so she was coming with us. I am very excited to met her.

We have come to shop to select rings and Jiya came with her mother. She was so silent and not even interested in selection.Ammi was asking her to select but she was refusing politely. Ammi and Zareena Aunty left to other section to select jewelry for the nikah. It's not happening she has to select the ring and I will make her do it.

I went near her and sat beside her. I said, "what happened? Are you not liking anything here? We can go to other shop if you don't like any design here."

She looked at me and said" No, nothing like that. They have very nice designs"

I asked her, "No, I don't think so. You are not selecting any ring. Don't lie."

She got angry," I AM NOT LYING. They really have very nice designs. It's my favorite shop"

I know that, I asked Zareena Aunty about her choice. I thought she will be happy to come here.

I smirked and said "oh really then tell me the best design they have according to you"

She instantly pointed towards the ring and it was really a beautiful ring. Her choice is classy and elegant.

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