15. Breakdown

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Jiya's Pov:

I was about to follow Maan but I saw Salina was trying to commit suicide by drowning in water

I ran towards her and brought her to the shore.. I pressed on her chest to remove water and after coughing for sometime.. She was able to breath normally now..

Again she rushed towards water saying, "let me die he don't love me. Let me die.."

I tried to stop her but she pushed me back. Now at last I slapped her, I slapped her hard.. She fallen on ground and she started crying loudly.."he don't love me" she kept repeating and started crying very badly.. I don't know what to do to console her.. I was like this when Sameer left me.. I know how it feels...I just sat beside her.. Placed my hand on her shoulder.. She leaned on me and started crying..

I don't know how much time have passed.. But now she calmed down a bit then looked at me.. Then pushed me away and said, "it's all because of you. Why you came here? To see how pathetic I am after he left.. You should celebrate, you won, he don't love me.. You won. You won.. I lost the game I lost him"

I said, "I know how you feel.."

Salina just laughed sarcastically and said, "you know. You know how it feel to get rejected. When your love walks over you whom you have considered your life. When he trample on your heart like it's nothing.. How would you know it? you have him with you, how would you know? Are you making fun of me?"

I shook my head in no, "I loved someone else before Maan."

She looked shocked but recovered from it soon and said, "Then go back to him. Leave Maan"

I smiled and said, "I can't. He is already married even if he is not I won't go back to him. He left me saying he don't love me anymore. I felt just like you are feeling right now but now see I got someone better. He is not mine from start. I ran after something which is not mine. And I lost myself too. Just like you. But Salina don't lose yourself in love. You will definitely find your true love who will accept you as you are. Just wait for right time and right person. "

Salina looked at me," why are you being so nice to me? Telling me all about yourself? I tried to snatch your husband from you. You should hate me. "

I said," Because I see my old self in you. So I want to help you not to go through the pain I went through. I know you are a good person. You just have lost yourself. Please find yourself and love yourself. "

She surprised me when she hugged me and said," Thanks a lot for thinking about me. I was so alone now. I lost my parents at an early age. I don't have any siblings. I have friends but they just tried to use me as I am rich but first person I met who is not after my money was Maan, he accepted me as his friend not because of money but because of the real me. I lost his friendship too today but found a well wisher like you. I am sorry I tried to ruin your relationship with Maan. Will you be my friend? I know we are not at good terms. I know you must hate me for what I did. "

I said,"Of course, we can be friends like sisters I always wanted a sibling. You don't have to hide your pain from me. I know right now you are fully broken from inside. I don't hate you, I might have hated you before not after this moment. You did wrong by ruining my relationship with Maan but as you are feeling guilty now. It's okay."

Salina broke our hug and said, "I am really glad we have become friends. As for the part broken I feel like I am empty from inside. There is no emotions left other than pain and broken pieces of my heart. I don't know if I can come out of this. Can I ever be able to move on and have a normal life like before?"

I said, "It's hard but you can move on. Just keep trying and don't give up and one day you will find the one who will treasure you for life"

She just smiled and said, "I hope so"

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