42. Family

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Zaan's pov:

Me, Ammi and Maahi were sitting in hall. Everyone is shocked by yesterday's incident. No one thought Sameer would do that.

Ammi said, "After so long everything was sorted but now everything got ruined again. We have do something."

I said, "We are getting late for office. Where is Maan bhai?"

Ammi said, "You are worried about stupid office. Can't you handle it for one day?"

I said, "I can but he will kill me if I go without waking him up."

Ammi said, "He came so late in the morning. I don't think he will wake up soon."

I said, "Then what to do?"

Ammi said, "Let's go and check up on them"

I said, "Okay"

We all went near room when we are about to open the door.

I said, "Ammi have you forgotten? You r son is married now. You can't go in just like that."

Ammi said,"oh yes you have become smart."

I said, "Bhai gave big class on this when last time I went inside without knocking."

Ammi said, "That's what I thought. You can't be. this smart."

I shouted, "AMMI"

Ammi said, "Shhhhh. Don't make noise." Then she knocked on door but no one opened

Ammi said, "Have they killed each other?"

I rolled my eyes.

I said, "Ammi stop watching serials. You are becoming over dramatic. It's hard to handle."

Ammi said, "I am opening the door."

We opened the door and we saw Maan bhai and Jiya were sleeping in each other embrace. They are looking so cute.

Ammi said, "Let's go"

We all came back to hall again and sat on sofa

I said, "I am leaving for office then."

Ammi said, "No. No one is going to office today."

I said, "What? Why?"

Ammi said, "We need to plan something to make them come closer"

I said, "Come closer. It's seems everything is fine between them. Haven't you seen just now? There are so cosy"

Ammi said, "Shut up. You know nothing. I think we should go out for outing. If they spend time together then they can easily forget yesterday's incident"

I said, "Do you think bhai will agree?"

Ammi said, "You have to talk with him."

I said, "No way. Have not you seen his mood yesterday?"

Ammi said, "He won't even listen to me then who??"

Then both me and Ammi turned towards Maahi who looked confused then she understood and said, "No way. Never. I am not talking with Maan bhai"

Ammi said, "Maahi you can only convince him. He will not get angry. He will not listen to me and Zaan but he will listen to you."

Maahi said, "What if he gets angry at me?"

Ammi said, "He won't. I know him. I am his mother. Trust me. Just do as I say."

After explaining everything to Maahi.

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