21. I Miss You

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Maan's pov:

As I opened my eyes it was already 10 in the morning. Sunrays are on full boom but my sunshine is not with me. I miss her a lot. Everything reminds me of her. It just been one month for our marraige but her memories and presence is everywhere. I miss looking at her face first thing as I open my eyes. Her cuddles. I can't even sleep at night properly as I miss her in my arms. Her smile, her blush, her anger, her wet hair, her smell everything I am going insane from missing her.

It's just been 5 days since I last saw Jiya but feels like forever. there was no calls or messages from her. I don't know if she misses me or not. I feel like there is no color in my life without her. How many times I have stopped myself from bringing her back. Just first step she has to take. Just even one blank message is also fine but I want her to initiate.

Sameer is also not less. He continued throwing tantrum to go and meet his girl but doctor told him to take at least 5 days complete bed rest so today is the last day and I guess no one can stop him from going and I don't even intend to do that. I hope everything goes fine with his life as well. He already suffered a lot.

Ammi is suspecting that something is wrong between Jiya and me. She indirectly kept asking me to bring her back. Zaan is also asked many times about her. I don't know what to answer because I have no idea where our relationship stands now. Do we still have chance or we got separated? I don't know anymore if I have taken right decision by letting her go.

I was in my own thoughts when I heard knock on the door. Ammi was standing there. She came and sat on bed.

"Maan, Zareena keeps asking me if everything is fine between you guys. What happened Maan? I can do something only if you tell me what happened?" Ammi said with concern.

"Nothing is wrong Ammi", I said looking everywhere except at her because she catches my lie just by looking at me. I don't know if she knows me well or I can't lie well.

"Don't lie Maan. No one will be happy if you keep avoiding the problem. Talk with her and solve whatever issues you have. I won't force you tell me as it's matter between husband and wife but Maan husband and wife relation is so delicate. small small things can break it easily. if you don't overcome them in time. Situation will get worse with time. I suggest you to talk with her once. Please do that for me. I want your happiness. I can't see you like this. I have not even seen you smile since Jiya is gone." Ammi said sadly then suddenly her tone changed and in threatening tone she said, "If you won't bring her back in 2 days. I don't care what is the issue but I will bring her back myself by hook or crook. Understand?"

I just nodded my head.
She smiled and said by standing," Quickly freshen up and come down I will set breakfast for you"

I was about to say no but she said, "You have to eat Maan. This can't go on like this. I won't take no as answer. You want me to force you to eat food as I did in childhood. If not then come down in 30 minutes" . She left from room. I am really scared of her this avatar.

I heard a laugh and looked at door it was Sameer. He came and sat beside me. What is this? Why everyone is coming to my room early in the morning?

Sameer said, "Sorry but I heard what Aunty said. What happened Maan? You can tell me."

I really want to share this with someone and I can't talk to Ammi and Zaan about it as they might judge Jiya but talking to Sameer seems fine. He already have faced many hardship in his married life. He might help me. So I told everything to him. Everything from our First meeting, marraige, Salina, our fight and her leaving home. He is listening calmly. Once I finished he gave me a slap on my head. I angrily looked at him. he said, "You deserve it. Idiot. How can you do that?"

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