The Strange Little Town

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Our family moved to Hawkins when I was in the middle of fourth grade. I mean how dumb is it to move to a new town and school in the middle of the year. I was the most nervous anyone had been. The drive from Fayetteville, NC to Hawkins, IN was a ten-hour drive that was SUPER BORING. I remember Finally making it to our house, which was next door to the Byers. Our brothers Matthew and Jonathan became friends, and will and I too. But they were always closer. That is until Matthew Became friends with the football players and Jonathan ditched him. But even before that happened I got "blessed" with a little sister and we had to move away from the Byers and a block over from the Sinclair's and the Wheeler's. They had their own little group and I hung out with them sometimes but I had my own best friend Maya. Unfortunately, Maya moved to a Private school outside of Hawkins and never came back. Since then I have been hanging out with my best friend will and his buds Dustin, Lucas, and Mike.

"Hey Mom" I stated, "Can I go to the Wheeler's for the campaign on tomorrow night?" 

"Maybe, let me ask Karen. You might have to bring Olive with you." I groaned. I hated taking Olive to play with Holly because Olive always gets tired early and that means I had to leave early.

"Juliette Quinn Greer! I heard that." I stomped up the stairs. The boys finally let me play in the campaign on my own team instead of on Will or Mike's team and I have to leave early. Come on! I heard a knock at my door.  

"Hey, Jul! We have to leave soon and I have a test today. Just please, don't make me late, AGAIN!" My brother Matthew said. I rolled my eyes. I loved my brother, but sometimes he could just be a little dramatic. Plus he forgot that on Fridays I ride my bike with Mike and Lucas.  

"Later Mom!" I yelled running out the door. 

"Not so fast squirt!" My dad said. I gave him a quizzical look, and it vanished when he pulled out my lunchbox. I smile and walk out the door before the boys had an opportunity to beat me to school. I cycle out to meet them and furrow my eyebrows to see Dustin with them. He normally didn't come with us because he lived closer to school but whatever. 

"Juliette, let's get a move on!" Lucas said from the end of the driveway. 

"Oh hush up old man." I always called Lucas old man because he is two days older than me and decides to boast about it all the time. 

"I can't believe we have another math quiz this week! I mean three in a week come on!" Mike exclaimed. I rolled my eyes because Mrs. Marlowe hated him and made his tests harder. Of course, I was her favorite that is. 


After the quiz, Mrs. Marlowe gave us our quizzes back. I got a 97 %! The gang and I had lunch after, so I made a quick stop to my locker and then to find them. I open the locker and all the books fall out. 

"Smooth!" Mike told me walking by with a smile.

"At least I didn't get a 34 on my math quiz," I said subtly while Mike flushed up. I heard someone lean against the locker next to mine and smile.

"Do you want some help?" Dustin asked. I nod carefully as we stuff the books and papers into my locker. Once we finished, we headed out to the front lawn. "So are you coming to the campaign tomorrow?"

"Yeah, but mom's making me bring Olive." Dustin cringed.

"Ouch! Lucas finally lets you play and you'll have to leave early." I laughed.

"I know, If I just asked my dad he would've just driven Holly over to our house and I could just  bike by myself, it's only a block."

"That's actually a great Idea! Ask your dad when you get home." We tried to approach the gang members, but Troy stopped us.  

"If it isn't toothless and little-tyke"

"I told you not to call me that, I'm not that short anymore," I said through gritted teeth. Dustin protectively stepped in front of me, but I walked forward and away until troy elbowed me in the stomach. 

"Watch yourself little-tyke," Dustin opened his mouth but I quickly shut it before he could say anything that made that situation worse. "Later Losers."

We walked away from those mouth breathers and went go find our friends.

"Oh hey Will! How was English?" I asked. He shrugged and we all talked about the campaign. Fortunately, we all had science with Mr. Clarke after lunch. 


The second I got out of science, I moped back to my locker. I was failing science, but it's not that I wasn't  trying. I didn't need anybody's help though because that was my problem. I love that class because I have my two best friends Dustin and Mike and also Lucas is in there. Speak of the devil here they come. 

"Jul! Do you wanna bike with us to my house so we can start earlier?" Mike asks.

"Yeah, since Olive has to come," Lucas adds. 

"Oh, no thanks. I have to check with my dad first, but I will be there don't worry. "

"It was just a thought. Well, do you mind if we start before you get there?" 

"Not at all, see you later!" I smile as they walk outside. I let out an annoyed sigh. Not wanting to make my mother angrier than she already was with me, I headed home before she could yell at me again. 

Taking in the scenery in Hawkins was an amazing sight on a bike. That's why I loved Friday. I was driven to school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and walked with Dustin and Lucas on Monday. I always had my bike on Friday and I love it. From the pale pink metal to the cushy gray seat, this bike was awesome! My bike suddenly hits a crack in the road and I fall off my bike into a ditch

A loud growl emited from beside me. From my utter fear of dogs, I ran away from it deeper into the woods. That was a bad decision. I run into something slimy. 

"Yuck!" I gag. Looking up, I saw a nasty creature without a face. Screaming, I tried to escape, but the monster wouldn't budge. I was transported somewhere weird and it flung backward into the distance.

Word count: 1157!

AN: Yay! First Chapter. Sorry for any Grammar/Spelling Issues, comment if you see any.I will try to update once a week (Usually Wednesday or Sunday), but I will be skiing next week so I will probably post another chapter before I leave on Friday. Comment, Heart, Follow, and NEVER stop reading. 


 ☾☀Megggssss ☀☾

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