The Realization

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3rd person P.O.V

Matthew Greer woke up like a normal day. He carried Olive downstairs and was going to head to Steve's house to catch a ride. 

"What about Julie?" Olive asked.

"What about her? She can ride her bike for all I care!" Matthew exclaimed. He was still mad at her for when she stole his atari and took it to her room. 

"Matt! Take Juliette and Olive to the Wheelers please!" He groaned. As he walked back upstairs, he noticed it was very quiet. Confused, he knocked on her door.

"Juliette?" He opened the door. "What the..." as he walked back downstairs, He yelled to his mother. "Mom! Have you seen Juliette? She's not in her room." 

"I'm not sure, will you call the Henderson's and ask, please?" He picked up Olive and put her in her highchair and rang the Henderson's house. Mrs. Hendeerson picked up after a few rings.

"Hello?" She said

"Hey! This is Matthew Greer. Is Juliette there?" 

"No, I don't think so. Hold on I'll let you talk to Dustin... DUSTIN PHONE!" 

"Oh no Ma'am it's okay, I think she's just in our treehouse, thank you, though!" She said goodbye and hung up. He had no Idea where she was, but he knew he was going to get blamed for it. 

"Okay, I'm off to work I'll pick Juliette after my shift ends. Good thing we found her!" She shut the door. 

"But we didn't," he muttered. "Okay Olive I'm taking you to preschool. You ready?" She nodded and walked out the door with Matthew. 


Juliette's P.O.V

I was shivering from the cold wind occupied wherever I was. I heard something crash and footsteps so I looked out the hole in my treehouse and there was nothing. I took the ladder back down the treehouse and walked into my normal house. The door creaked as I walked into the must, slimy, and damaged house. It was much colder inside than outside. So far, I had been here for about a day and it never got bright out. Though I could still see, it was not helping the lack of heat. I heard a screech outside and looked out the broken window. It was disgusting. I saw a slimy but bony creature eating out of a giant egg. 

It looked at me and I darted away as quickly as I could. I screamed while I ran into a slimy Benny's Diner and ran through the back. That nasty creature got psyched out and I ran out the back door and back to the treehouse. Hopefully, that thing can't climb. 


Dustin's P.O.V

Finally, It was late enough in the morning to go and finish my Spanish project with Lucas. But in all honesty, I was looking forward to seeing why Juliette didn't come last night. Thank god I got partnered with Lucas because 1. he is my friend 2. He is very good at Spanish and 3. I didn't have to be with some airhead like Ruthie Harrington. Ruthie sometimes hangs out with Juliette because their brothers are best friends, but that doesn't mean I have to like her. She practically runs Hawkins Middle. 

I finally biked into Lucas's yard, but there was no car there. I decided I would just go to Juliette's now rather than later. 

I threw my bike in her yard and knocked on the front door. Her brother and Steve answered the door. 

"Dustin! My man," Matthew said. "What's up?"

"Oh, just came to give Juliette the notes for science," I said. 

"No can do buddy, she isn't here. Probably spent the night at the wheelers after the campaign she was all excited about." He said. 

"What do you mean stayed over? She didn't even go to the wheelers after school, we did but she said she would ask permission to leave Olive here."

"God damn it, Matt! Did you have to go and lose her again." 

"Dad it's not my respon-"

"Yes, son it is. Wait a second, did she come home after school?"

"Dad, I haven't seen her since we fought yesterday. If Olive or I disappeared you wouldn't even be thinking about us! But no she's your little princess and all. I'm surprised you haven't booked a t.v commercial for her being lost." The air got tenser.  

"Maybe I should go..." I said, "I have to be at the Sinclair's in 5 mins." Mr. Greer took the notes and muttered a thank you before shutting the door. I sneakily creaked open their back gate and walked to their massive treehouse. Her father built this for her and Matthew when she first moved in. Surprisingly we moved here around the same time. I had an idea that she might have been in the treehouse but I was wrong.I slumped down the ladder and rode to the Sinclair's

AN~ Hey guys! I am out of sports for 6 entire months. It sucks bc I have a huge brace and crutches for 6 more weeks! Well on an unrelated note, I added a new character. I've been thinking about steve having a little sister, but I think it's going to be fun. Anyway HMU with any questions or suggestions. 

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