The Set-Back

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Impatiently after school, Mike Dustin and Lucas went to go figure out a plan to find their friends. They sat in Mike's basement arguing over something. They decided to fake a science project so they could have a sleepover and sneak out.  They carried on with their conversations until there was a knock on the door. They Ignored it and went back to their plan.  Upstairs Mrs. Wheeler opened the door.

"Oh, Hello Ruthie! What can I do for you today?"

"Steve is just at the Greers house and I decided to come see if Mike and Lucas wanted any help on their science fair project. Are they here?" Ruthie Asked.

"Yeah! They're downstairs." Mrs. Wheeler answered.  Ruthie approached the basement door and slowly opened it. She was hoping that they didn't scream and tell her to leave. She Slowly made it down the stairs until she stepped on the last creaky step. Their heads turned around faster than anything she had ever seen.

"Hey! Do you want help on your science project?" She said with a 'don't say a word look'

"What are you doing here?" Dustin whispered through gritted teeth.

"I'm here to help you guys find Will and Juliette."

"That's not what we're doing anyway," Lucas answered.

"Sinclair, I can see the flashlights on the table. By the way, you look upward when you lie."

They all looked at each other supprised.

"Why do you care anyway?" Mike said.

"Because she was one of my good friends and will is missing too, so why not find them both."

"Why are you here rather than looking for them yourself?" Dustin muttered.

"Well Steve and Matthew are screwing around and normally I have Juliette to talk with so I ended up here!" Ruthie said. They silently agreed to let her come with, and headed out the door.

Juliette walked out of her treehouse once she heard a familiar scream. Once she reached castle Byers, she carefully opened the tarp and was horrified at what one of her best friends had become.

"Will?!" She shook him, "will wake up!"
He grunted in his sleep. She had no clue what to do so she carried him to the treehouse. She had a thought
'What if we never make it out of here?'
'What if I never see ruthie, Lucas, mike, or Dustin ever again?'
'Do I look as nasty as Will does right now?'
'What if I never get to fall in love'
'What if I die in this terrible, dark, and cold place?'
She decided to stop the what ifs once will was half awake.
Once they reached the caution tape, Lucas and Ruthie rushed ahead with mike following. Dustin was scared that Juliette was hurt and they couldn't do anything.
"Wait up guys!' Dustin said. He rushed forward to follow them. "Hold on don't you guys think it's pretty stupid to be out here in the rain in the place will and Julie disappeared?"

"Shut up" mike said.

"I mean we have no weapons, what are we going to do when the monster comes, fight it with a stick?" Dustin said.

"Shut up!" The other three exclaimed. There was a rustling in the bush to the right of them. They turned and yelped, preparing to be killed. There was a rustle in the bush to the left of them. A girl with a shaved head appeared out of nowhere, panting.
"a hell nah" Lucas said. (Shout out to all my baby daddy fans)

An~ I am so so sorry! I thought I published this last week 😬 oh well, I'll just write another one bc this was pretty short and late. Look for it in the next few days

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