The start of something new

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The boys were looking for rocks.
"What about this one?" Mike asked.
"Not big enough!" Dustin replied. They kept looking. What they didn't know was that Ruthie was defending their asses from Troy, well at least attempting to.
"Do you like eleven?" Dustin questioned mike.
"No!" He denied a little too quickly.
"Really because you look at her like..." he got down on one knee and was practically hugging his knees "I love you el, will you marry me." He joked.
"Don't even get me started Sinclair." Mike fired back. "You look at Ruthie like she's a goddess."
"She kind of is..." Lucas muttered so nobody could hear him.
"Alright enough I'm sick of all the lovey dovey crap! We're trying to find a rock to destroy this thing." Dustin said. Troy began to walk over to taunt the trio of monster hunters.
"Why? Because your girlfriend is dead." He spat.
"She's not dead, and she isn't my girlfriend." He replied. Jennifer Hayes and Ruthie Harrington ran towards the boys when they realized what was happening.
"Hey guys what's up!?" Jennifer said trying to break up the conflict.
"Yeah! What are you guys chatting about?" Ruthie asked. Mike rolled his eyes.
"Don't worry we were just leaving" he tried to walk away but Troy tripped him. That caused him to bust his chin open on a rock. Troy and Jennifer walked away, but Ruthie looked back mouthing sorry, ttyl to the boys.
"Omg imagine what Julie would have done if she saw that?!" Lucas said trying to lighteb the mood.
Dustin chuckled before adding "yeah, she would have kicked his ass."
"I think this is the rock!!" Mike looked at the bloody rock below him.
"Yeah! This is the monster killer." Lucas grinned."
Matthew and Jonathan were headed back to Hawkins when Matt got hungry and they stopped at the nearest 7/11. Matt grabbed chips while Jonathan got sofas.

When Matt was turning the corner, he ran into a girl his age and made her drop her stuff.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry." He said and offered her her stuff that she dropped.
"It's quite alright. I'm just moving in with my grandparents in Hawkins. Any clue the fastest way to get there?" She asked but he was just staring at what she was buying. Chocolate, tampons and magazines. Her cheeks flushed a deep crimson shade of embarrassment.
"Oh, well now I'm embarrassed..." she said.
"Don't be." He assured. "I have a sister, well had actually..." he trailed off.
"What happened to her." She questioned.
"You'll find out when you get to Hawkins, I suggest going straight down us 59, it's a straight shot. I'm Matthew by the way." He said.
"Samantha, see you around I geuss?" She said.
"Totally!" He said walking back to Jonathan blushing.
Word count: 587
An- okay... well this is weird I've been writing three short chapters instead of two ok sized ones or one ginormous one. 😔 oh well. Sorry this is rushed because I leave for camp tomorow. I will not be updating for the next month but I will be brainstorming for when I can get back and finally finish this story.
Because I'm going to be busy once the school year starts and trying to get back to doing sports (on a side note I don't have to wear a brace anymore!!) and I'm just lazy honestly.
Peace out and have a good month without this story, while I'm out

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