The sob session

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An - hey y'all I actually uodated😂 this is not really following the plot line of the show but idc  because I need to update once before s2 comes out so here ya go. PSA - I named my character Samantha before I watched the show so I hope this won't confuse you all. I don't think it will be an issue bc I don't think I'm doing a sequel

DISCLAIMER: strong language and mentioned use of beer

It was a cold October night in Hawkins where 6 teenagers were having the time of their lives in Steve Harrington's backyard. Correction 5 of them we're having the time of their lives. Barb felt out of place, like a burden. The drunk teenagers were sitting out by the pool acting like the complete fools they were.
"Today I met a lady?" Matt slurred.
"Don't you mean a girl silly?" Nancy asked.
"Oh no this one was a real lady. She had long brown hair, blue eyes..." he stumbled on his words.
"Hey young molly ringwald," tommy shouted at barb who was less than a meter away dipping her feet in the pool. "Prove your worthiness and cut this can"
"Oh no thanks, I don't drink." She denied.
"Sure you do." Carrol shoved the can and Steve's pocket knife into barbs hands.
Ruthies p.o.v
I sat gloomily overlooking our pool on my pink fluffy armchair in my 2nd floor room.
"How the fuck is my best friend missing and I'm sitting here noticed by absolutely nobody. For hell's sake I could go missing right now and nobody would even realize I'm not gone." She muttered quietly to herself.
"That's not entirely true.." a voice emerged from the shadows of her doorway. There stood Lucas with a bouquet of wildflowers picked from the meadow behind his house.
"I would realize and be even more depressed than I am right now." He said sadly to her.
She treaded over to the warm embrace of Lucas's frail arms.
(Back to third p.o.v)
Dustin sat in his kitchen. His father was out in Chicago "being a lawyer" but everyone knew what he really did. Even his mother, who sat in her bedroom staring at the wall all day, knew what he was doing in Chicago.
He was alone until Juliette decided to reappear again, which was very unlikely because she was announced dead along with their friend Will.
'How could I let this happen?' He was desperately trying to find an escape from anything about her, but it all led back to her. 3 words , 5 syllables, 18 letters ; Juliette Quinn Greer
Back at the Harrington household, Ruthie and Lucas finally finished their "moment" and were trying to avoid Steve and all his drunk friends, all while trying to sneak out of the Harrington's house and into the Sinclair's home.
Lucas tip-toed behind Ruthie and down the stairs. As soon as the duo rounded the bottom of the stairs, They heard Nancy and Steve slam open the back door and rush upstairs. Ruthie and Lucas climbed into the random cabinet in the staircase.
"Phewww that was close." Lucas whispered and the two set off for the Sinclair household.
Meanwhile mike and eleven were in the his basement eating egos and watching feris buelers day off. El didn't understand it but smiled because mike liked it. All the sudden mike's super com started going static. Eleven picked it up and started messing with it.
"El put that down and back away from that." Mike warned. El didn't listen and the channel went silent for a few seconds. Mike frowned and slowly walked away. That is until Julie's voice rang throughout the room.
"I said can anyone in this dark gloomy he'll hear me?" Juliette screamed. "Will? Aw dag Nabbit, I had to go and loose him again."
Mikes eyes widened.
"She's still alive? Will too?" Mike questioned el.
She nodded

"When something is LOST it needs to be found." (Roll credits)

(Still 3 rd person but it's weird I can't explain it)
Dustin stumbled to the bathroom down the hall where he struggled to get the door locked. He stalked over to the bathtub and sobbed his little heart out. What he didn't know is that Juliette was screaming at him while she was in a dream.
"Get up Dustin!!!" She wailed
"Please save me, this thing is attacking me."
"Dustin I'm dying."
His eyes widened. He looked over the room  confused. Where were her voices coming from.
He clawed at his ears as the glimmering tears flowed down his soft cheeks. Something was pulling him towards the mirror. On the other side of the mirror Juliette mirrored his actions and shoved her face against the glass.
"Dustin!" Juliette screamed. She pounded on the glass. Dustin could only hear her, not see her beautiful blonde hair, her soft brown eyes, her plump pink lips, and most of all her award winning smile. It was driving him insane, and he had only been away from her for 72 hours. What was he going to do with himself?
He still heard the pounding, but was it is his head or inside the room. The real answer was it was inside his fist as it shattered the mirror and the shards of glass fell to the ground and the room fell silent.

A/n~ sorry if this is trash because it is 1 am and I am on serious meds rn and i was trying to get this done before it came out so I could actually get some sleep tonight. Exciting news season two comes out in 30 mins where I live and I might have more exciting news but you'll have to check in later!

Thanks so much for 1.15k views like holy crap!!! I love you all 💓💓

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