The Chief's orders

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Matthew's P.O.V

It was really stupid. I was in a bad mood because my father only cared about my sister. He never really liked me but that wasn't my problem now. My only problem now was getting to the Wheeler's without getting arrested. Going 65 miles an hour with Olive in the car probably wasn't safe but I needed her out of ear's range before things got ugly at our house. It was only a few blocks but I wanted time to think. 

"Where are we going?" Olive questioned. She unlike Holly was very chatty and asked too many questions. 

"You're going to see holly and I'm going to speak to Mrs. Wheeler for a minute."

"Is Julie here? Can I see her and say hi please?" Her innocence was too much and I didn;t want to burden her at this age. So I told here she wasn't here but we would see her soon. I wasn't going to school today. I just couldn't. So I was dropping Olive off at the wheelers to go look for Juliette. I knocked on the door to see nancy open it. 

"Hey, what are you doing here?" She asked, "Don't you have school."

"I can ask you the same thing. Anyway, I needed Olive out of the house. You want a ride to school?" She nodded and brought Olive to Holly and shut the door. 

"Did you find Juliette yet?" I looked down and frowned, "Well I heard Will also went missing yesterday." 

"Really?! I'll call Mrs. Byers and ask where they are!" I exclaimed. 

"It's not that sim-"

"Nancy this is so much better than I thought it was, thank you so much!" I rambled and opened the car door now that we arrived. 

Nancy grabbed my hand and I paused. "Matt, Will was at our house last night, Julie didn't come... I'm sorry!" My face fell. My hope shattered. I slammed my door and politely opened nancy's door being the gentleman I was, but then ran into the doors, leaving her in the dust. 

3rd P.O.V 

The boys rode their bikes to the rack, as usual. Troy waltzed up to them and did his usual taunting before he realized that the smallest wasn't there.

"Hey! Where's the queer?" He asked while he punched Mike. 

"He's just inside." 

"Come on! Let's just go" Troy walked up the stairs. He turned around. "Tell Little Tyke that Ruthie wanted to talk to her. Dustin rolled his eyes and sadly told everyone to go inside. 


Dustin, Lucas, and Mike were in science class with two empty desks around them. Ruthie right before class slid into the desk behind Dustin and Mike. Dustin was sad because if Juliette magically appeared in the middle of the day, she wouldn't be able to sit in her seat. 

"Pssst... Where's Julie? I need to talk to her."

"She isn't here." he said through gritted teeth. 

"No duh, I mean where is she?" 

"Ruthie! Stop bothering Dustin. As I was saying..." Mr. Clarke said. Dustin didn't listen after that. He was too excited because the new supercomm was coming. Ruthie gave up on talking to him. After the bell rang, everyone got up and rushed out the door. 

"Did It come?!" Mike exclaimed. 

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, it came!" They squealed as they walked to the AV room. 

"I bet you could talk to new york on this thing!" Dustin yelled. 


"California!" Mike said


"Australia?!" Lucas doubted. Mr. Clarke nodded. "Will is going to flip his shit -"

"Lucas! Language. 

" 'Ello this is Mike Wheeler the president of the Hawkins middle av club" Mike imitated. Dustin grabbed it. "What are you doing" he laughed. 

"Hello, this is Dustin Henderson secretary and treasurer of the Hawkins middle AV club. Do you eat kangaroos for breakfast?" They laughed until the principal came in asking for them. They all shared a confused glance as they walked into the office. Ruthie already sat in one of the office chairs next to the couch. 

"Juliette Greer and Will Byers... any clue where they are?"

"No" chorused the boys. Ruthie sat in silence trying to figure it out. 

"Wait for a second, could  they be together?" one of the other police officers said

"No, they used to be close, but they're brother's kinda ended that," Lucas stated.

"Well, it's kinda obvious that's not what I'm asking. What if they ran away together." 

"Julie wouldn't run away. Will's too smart to do that to his mother." Mike explained

"It's still a possibility..." Ruthie said. 

"Uhh, I don't think so," Dustin said in a duh voice. " Juliette was supposed to hang out with us last night, according to her parents she didn't come home, she never came to us. Will went with us." Dustin. 

"So you said Will and Julie sometimes take Mirkwood?" 

"Yup,"  the boys said.

"That sounds made up," The chief said. 

"It's a real place, it's just the name that's made up. It's where Kerley and Cornwallis meet. We cou-" Mike said. 

"I think I know where that is." The other officers said. 

"We could take you there," Dustin said. 

"No, you are to go home IMMEADIETLY after school. No biking around to find your friend, No playing outside. Do I make myself clear?" The chief ordered. The group sat in silence. Ruthie was trying to put 2 and 2 together. It just didn't make sense to her. She got why the boys were there, but they didn't hang out all that much at school. 

"I said do I make myself clear." Chief Hopper gritted. 

"Yes, sir."


"Crystal" Ruthie muttered and walked out of the office. "What Bullshit, why are they bringing me into this. 

Word count: 1041

AN~ Hey guys! I'm still not feeling all that great but oh well. It's storming really bad where I live so I have to post this quick, sorry about any grammar issues. Anyway, I always wanted Steve to have a little sister that he cared about and Ruthie needed a girl friend. I love her character so freaking much. She is so sarcastic and funny +  I have a lot planned. I have no Idea what I'm going to do with Juliette in the mean time though...

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