The Unexpected

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AN ~ Hello! So I tore my meniscus :( but I will probably updating more if I have to sit out of softball. I'm sad because I won't be able to ski :(. Anyway, carry on with your day. I have surgery tomorrow so I'm updating today instead!


"Dustin! Stop being a thinker and let's get a move on!" I hear Lucas shout ahead of me. You can't blame me, though, I was sad because Juliette normally rode with us on Fridays. But, she was meeting us for D&D anyway. When I caught up with my friends, I heard they were talking about that stupid math test. I did alright because Mike, Juliette, and I studied together.  

We arrived in Mike's driveway and threw our bikes on the lawn. Mike barged into his house yelling that we were going into the basement. Will and I set up the board while Mike and Lucas went to get some food because this campaign was going to take a while.  Will started talking to me, but I wasn't listening. In all honesty, I was just waiting for Juliette to get here. I mean, Will was my best friend and all, but that wasn't what I was worried about.

"Dustin, are you even listening to me?" He asked.

"No, sorry," I mutter.

"Dude! pull yourself together! She's coming I promise," He said

"Yeah, but I have a bad feeling she isn't going to stay long, with Olive and all. Makes me sad," He flashes a wide grin. "No not like that! I'm just sad that she can finally play and has to leave." 

"Whatever you say..." He mumbled. The other boys walked downstairs with a packet of pringles, pudding, pop tarts, gummy bears, and Juliette and Will's favorite, sugar covered strawberries (AN~ try them! they're awesome!). I'm not really sure why they like them, but they smelled good. 

"Let's get this show on the road!" Mike yelled. We started playing and continued for hours until we started arguing. It was Will's action and he didn't know what to do.

"Cast protection," I suggested.

"No! Don't be a pussy, fireball him!" Lucas complained.

"Cast protection! You'll need a 13 or higher, it's too risky!" I exclaimed.

"The demogorgan is sick of your bickering, Will your action?" Mike said

"Fireball!" Will shouted, throwing the dice off the table. We groaned and started to look for them. Mike's mom shouted downstairs and he went to go talk to her. 

"Oh yeah, where's Juliette? I thought if we let her play, she would actually come. You know?" Lucas said. In the heat of the moment, I had forgotten all about Juliette.

"Knowing her she probably got grounded for breaking something." Will said giggling. 

"Yeah, but don't worry, I'll ask her tomorrow. I'm gonna give her the science notes she asked for." I said casually. I grabbed a slice of pizza. There was one slice left. "Anyone want this." They all said no, so I grabbed my bag and headed upstairs. As I walked up the stairs, I noticed nancy's door open. She was talking on the phone, so I knocked and offered it to her. She asked whoever she was talking to, to hold on and I smiled

Until she shut the door in my face. I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs and to my bike. 

"Your sister has a stick up her butt!" I said.

"Yeah, it's because she's dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington."

"She's always been a real jerk."

"No! Remember when she dressed up as an elf for one of our campaigns?

"Yeah! 4 years ago!" 

"Whatever Man!" Lucas and I peddle off slowly. Will stayed behind and talked to mike about something. "Bye Dustin!"

"Kiss your mom 'night for me," I said. Will had caught up to me by now. "Hey race you to our main street. Loser buys a new comic on Monday. I sped off hearing will shout

"Hey! No fair!", but I didn't care, I wanted that comic book badly. I was peddling while making a plan for the weekend. Go home, get my notes together and do some homework tonight. Then ride to Juliette's and give her the notes and help her, then to Lucas's to do our Spanish project. After that, I would Chillax and watch star trek the rest of the weekend. Once I made it to Main street, I was so far ahead of will that it wasn't funny. I decided that he would know I won and would just give me the comic later. 

I walked into the door and my mom smiled. 

"Hi honey, how was school?" She asked.

"Pretty good! When does dad get back from Chicago?" I replied. My dad was a lawyer, so he would travel a lot for his job.

"Tuesday. Anyway, Dustin, get some sleep. Love you," My mom answered. I walked to my room and flopped on my bed. Tonight was a fun night, But I wished Juliette got to play. At least Mike didn't know we lost because he never saw the dice. I fell into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up in the weirdest place. It was very similar to the woods, just darker and colder. Damn it! I forgot a jacket. Hating not knowing where anything is, I decided to walk around a little bit. There was debris floating everywhere. Though I didn't know where I was, the center of the town looks surprisingly the same as Hawkins. 

I walked towards what looked like my house. I walked into my backyard to see if my tree house was there. Memories flooded into my mind.

I was in the treehouse in 5th grade. Mike and Lucas came in through the trapdoor, but as they came, I saw they had Dustin with them. 

"Oh hey guys," I said. "What brings y'all here?" 

"I told you already Jul, were in Hawkins, not redneck county!" Lucas exclaimed. 

"I'm sorry! I had to say it one last time."

"But we are here for a reason..."  Mike stated.

"We are doing a science fair project and wanted to know if you would like to do it," Dustin said.

"Cool, sounds like a plan!" I said.


After I had that memory, I yawned and decided I should get some sleep and try to figure out how to leave this place. I walked toward the slimy corner and laid down in a dry area and tried to get some shut-eye, but it didn't work. There were loud screeching noises and zapping in the distance. Plus it was REALLY cold, colder than Sweden (Sorry I had too ☺ !)

Word count: 1105!

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