Love is in the air

917 14 15

3rd P.O.V
The boys + Ruthie and eleven sat in mikes bedroom.
"Are you out of your mind!?" Lucas said in utter disbelief
"Just listen to me-" mike responded.
" you are out of your friken mind," Lucas exclaims. Dustin sat unamused while Ruthie just rolled her eyes
"Eleven knows about Juliette and Will."
"Her name is eleven?" Lucas scoffed
They all stared between mike and eleven.
"What do you mean she knows about them." Dustin was suddenly interested.
"She had her finger over their faces, right here," he pointed, "and didn't look confused at all whatsoever" mike stated.
"But why, she's never met them" Ruthie said.
"Exactly my point, she wasn't confuse because she knew they were missing." Lucas butts into interrupt him, but mike kept taking " and no i didn't tell her."
"This is insane..." Dustin said.
"Wait a second, we found her on that street..." Ruthie pondered.
"Mirkwood" Lucas interrupts.
"Yeah yeah," she continues, "she also said bad people were after her."
"So they must have taken Julie and Will by mistake!" Dusting added. Eleven sat there worried about them finding out. She finally made friends and she didn't want them to get hurt.
"We have to turn her in" Lucas said. "To your mom I mean."
"Nuh-uh" Ruthie said, "I'm not getting in trouble"
"Maybe she knows where they are." Dustin exclaimed.
"Then she better spill right now." Lucas approached her , "do you know where they are"
He shook her.
"Stop you're scaring her." Mike said.
"She should be scared." Lucas replied.
Ruthie walked behind him and put her hand on his shoulder. He whipped around expecting the worst, but she quietly muttered "let it go Lucas."
He took his hands off eleven and walked towards the door. He opened it and it shut. He did it again and everyone was confused until Eleven said "no!" And wiped her nose
Juliette drifted in and out of consciousness.
The upside down was a cold boring place with nothing to do but sleep and hide. She loved to explore, but these past few days she hasn't had the strength to do so. She just stared at the ceiling and saw a big hole in the top. It had green goo and other weird stuff too. She heard the silence when she realized what caused it. She panicked and looked beside her to see no will. Hearing the screeching noise, she bolted up and ran
The wheeler family had Ruthie, Barb, Lucas, and Dustin over for dinner
"Something wrong with the meatloaf, boys?" Mrs. Wheeler asked Dustin and Lucas.
"Oh no, I'm just not that hungry..." he looks around awkwardly " I had two bologna sandwiches for lunch, I don't know why"
Mrs. Wheeler looked at Lucas
" me too." He said.
"It's lovely Mom" Nancy kissed up to he mother.
"Thank you sweetie."
"So there's this thing honoring will's death, and I was wondering if barb and I could go."
"Why am I just now hearing about this?"
"I thought you knew." Nancy said innocently.
" I told you I don't want you out after dark until Will is found." She said.
"But it'd be super weird if we weren't there to support jonothan and his family." Barb joined in.
She sighed and gave in"just be back by 10, and bring the kids with you"
They were alarmed. Lucas nodded no, Dustin said "nah", Ruthie said no thank you and that she should be heading home soon." She started to clean up her plate so she wouldn't be home late.
"We just don't want to have to face wills disappearance more than we have to!" Mike said. Everyone was quiet when El walked downstairs. Ruthie fell out of her chair, mike chocked and Dustin banged on the table. Everyone looks from wet mike, to Ruthie on the floor to Dustin.
" sorry, spasm" Nancy glared at him because he scared holly
Lucas stepped out of his chair and offered his hand to Ruthie. He hoisted her up and Mrs wheeler asked if she was alright.
"Yes, just a little tired." She went to the door and Lucas followed her.
"Why are you following me? You live on the other side of mike's house." She asked.
"Well we don't want another awesome person going missing, now do we." He said.
They talked for five minutes until they got to her driveway, and said their goodbyes. Lucas kissed Ruthie's hand and she blushed. She walked up to the door and opened it quietly. Lucas made sure that she got in the house safely before walking home himself. Ruthie shut the door behind her and slid down the door with a grin on her face. Steve came downstairs and saw her and laughed.
"What's up tomato face?" He joked.
"Oh shut up." She responded.
"I need you out of the house tonight."
"Why Mom and dad aren't here."
"I'm having a party!"
"Oooohhhhhhh so that's what Nancy was talking about."
"What do you mean she was talking about it?why were you talking to her." He flushed up all nervous
"Who's tomato face now." She fired back, "fine ill leave but you owe me big time."

An~ here is my last update on my laptop☹️ but anyway I want y'alls feedback.

Is this book good?

Who is your fav ship?

Any ship names for Lucas/Ruthie, Dustin/Juliette or Matthew/Samantha

Do you like the way I added my characters and how they relate to the og's?

Should I keep updating this?

And did y'all like my trailer 😉?

Please answer those because I want to know what you think, and if I want to continue updating this summer. Love y'all so much, thanks to all who help me get through hard times

Word count:  960

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