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A/n: the rest of this story will be in 3rd person unless I say otherwise

Eleven was messing with the radio in the basement, Ruthie was asleep in the couch, and the boys were making a plan
"You seriously think she knows where Will is?" Lucas said.
"Trust me on this, did you get the supplies?"
"Yeah!" Dustin and Lucas said. Ruthie started waking up after that.
"I've got binoculars, pocket knife," he started listing the things he brought"and a wrist rocket." He said proudly.
"You're gonna kill it with a slingshot" Ruthie asked like he was the dumbest person alive. Mike was done with this bullshit and told Dustin to tell what he brought. He dumped out his bag and tons of food came out.
"Okay... I've got trail mix, pringles, bazooka, pez, nilla wafer, smarties." He said with that cute smile on his face. The rest roll their eyes.
"Seriously" Lucas said.
"We need energy fro our travels." Dustin said.
"Touché" Ruthie said and walked up the stairs.
"Let's go losers!" She said jokingly and they all laughed.

Jonathan and Matt knocked on the door to lonnies house. A girl in her 20's opened the door.
"Can I help you?" She took the cigar out of her mouth, but the boys didn't care and walked in.
"Will?" Jonathan opened a door.
"Juliette?" Matthew said.
Lonnie came around the corner and pushed Jonathan against the wall, but Matt pushed him back and told him to lay off.
"You've grown up my boy," he looked at Matthew."you too son"
"Have you seen will and Juliette." Matthew asked.
"No!" He replied.
"Then why didn't you call mom back?" Jonathan questioned.
"I don't know..." he said, "I just thought she lost him or something."
Matt walks back to the car in the backyard and opens the trunk.
"You want to search up my ass too?" Lonnie asked rudely.

An- I leave for camp on the 25 so there won't be any more updates for a while. I will do one more short update before then. I love you guys and thank you for the support even though this sucks 😂😂😂

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