Conclusion pt .2

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Juliette P.O.V

I woke up feeling lightheaded in what seemed to be a hospital. I was confused because I woke up on a wheeling (Lmao ill go home) Cart type thing. I panicked, not knowing who these people were and frantically cried for the two people I trusted in this world, Dustin and Matt. I kept screaming until some man in a blue mask injected a purple liquid into me, and everything went black


3rd person

Matt was in hysterics in the lobby of the hospital. Johnathan had to call home because Matt couldn't even hold the damn phone. The Greer family was finally back together and somewhat peaceful, despite their daughter coming back from another dimension. Her friends were asleep in the lobby, minus will of course. Mike was dozing off on a mini sofa, Ruthie and Dustin leaning on Lucas, the snoring child. Olive was residing in Matt's lap sound as a baby. But the tension in the Greer family could've been cut by a knife. But they all knew that they had to put their troubles away for Juliette and Olive's sake.


Juliette P.O.V

I woke up the warmest and happiest I had been in a while. I feared that the thing I nicknamed the Demogorgon had gotten to me and I was no longer living. But I was rudely awakened by the reality that all of my friends and family were with me, including Dustin. Anger and fear coerced through my veins. I ripped those stupid I.V's right out of my forearm.

I stormed toward the image of Dustin. I pinned him up against the wall.

"Get out of my head you stupid monster! I'm sick of you messing with my friends and family! I just want everything to go back to normal." Someone picked me up and brought me somewhere else. I screamed as loud as I could. I could see the horrified looks of my family and friends at my scream. I sit on the floor crying while Nancy went to go get a doctor.

Dustin slowly troded up to me.

"Hey! Julie..." He grabbed my face softly. I flinched away. "I promise I'm here right now. I don't know what has been going on for the last week, nor do I need you to tell me If you're not ready, but I really need you to know that we are all here, and we need you to try and be here mentally with us too."

I stared in awe back at him. I could feel my cheeks flushing a crimson red.

"And I also feel like this entire week has made me realize how much you mean to me, and more importantly how empty I feel without you around. Juliette Quinn Greer, you have made me smile, laugh, Cry, Scream, Giggle, Sing, things I never thought I could do or feel before. I remember the first time I met you, Your long blonde hair was flowing behind you and you told me 'move out of the way dumbass' " My family and friends all laughed.

"And now I'm just rambling, but the point is I really would like it if you would be my girlfriend and maybe go to the snowball with me?" Dustin continued and cringed when he realized he said that out loud.

"Of course Dusty," I answered with tears in my eyes. I went in for a kiss on the cheek, but Dustin had another idea.

The next thing I knew Dustin warm sweet lips were connected with mine and the entire room was cheering


A month later I was finally reunited with my best friend, Will, and we took our first steps back to school after the incident. Dustin, Mike, Ruthie, and Lucas were there to help us through all the teasing and bullying Things really couldn't be better except will had been throwing up slugs and I had been blacking out. For the first time in all my life, I learned that you have to take the good with the bad.

My family had finally gotten along well again, My mom and I made up, And so did my dad and my brother. I was still daddy's little princess though.

Matt had gotten a new girlfriend named Sam and she was pretty cool I guess. She was a total bubblegum bitch, but that was alright with me.

I had found out that Ruthie and Lucas were dating. When they first told me, I laughed so hard I peed. I assumed that they were joking, anyway, they make a really cute couple indeed.

But on a better note, Dustin and I have been doing wonderfully. We ended up dancing the night away at the snowball. I had also met eleven at the snowball and she was a badass, and I loved it. Back to the topic, Dustin and I had been doing well


AN- this is the second to last chapter (Next is a short epilogue) that will make it three updates in a night and actually finishing this story. It's really sad that its over but I loved this experience even if it was discontinued a month XD

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