Staying alive 😂😂😂😂

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Will woke up very confused.
"Where am I?" He wondered. Feeling a presence to his left, his eyes flickered to see Juliette lying unconscious. He climbed over to feel a pulse, but his breathing quickened when he didn't feel a pulse.
Jonathan and Matt sat in the car waiting for Matt to catch his breath before they drove back to Hawkins. "Why are your cheeks flushing?" Jon asked him.
"No reason" he defended quickly.
"No way! You met a girl!" Jonathan exclaimed.
"Yes..." Matt muttered sheepishly, "she's moving to Hawkins."
"Is she hot?!" Jonathan asked.
"Yeah but I already call dibs," he fired back.
"Fine... but I get the next one ore her hot friend."
"Deal!" They shook on it and drove back home jamming to the tunes on the radio.
The boys and Ruthie were following eleven to where she claimed will was. Dustin secretly hoped she knew where Juliette was, but he wasn't counting on it.
"I swear we are just walking with no destination here!" Lucas said.
"Yeah! What if the thing that took them is coming to get us too!" Ruthie said.
"Guys guys don't be ridiculous, she's leading us SOMEWHERE, I'm just not sure where that is..." Dustin re assured the couple.
Will now sat on top of Juliette, wondering what he could do. ( I apologize for this scene!! Made me laugh too hard not to add one of my babysitting training methods in here)
He plugged her nose and breathed into her mouth and counted to ten and repeated it. He paused and thought of a good song to pump her heart with. He decided staying alive and another one bites the dust would suit the situation.
He started with the chest pumps while humming staying alive. She stirs for a second but still is unconscious. She had a pulse and that's all he could do. He slipped into a deep sleep beside her.
Lucas's walkie talkie and dustins portable radio were going ape shit. Eleven immeadietly snatched them out of their hands and tuned them so they heard wills voice.
"Juliette? Juliette! Oh my god!" They heard will say.
"What the hell?!" Mike said.
"No no no Juliette stay with me!!!" They heard him say.
"Oh my god!" Ruthie was shaking.
They heard will doing something and singing staying alive. They all felt so confused until he said
"Another one bites the dust." Sadly and the signal cut off.
Jonathan and Matt reached Main Street in Hawkins when police cars were headed towards Both of their houses. Matt swerved the car to go follow them. Once they arrived at his house he went into his house to find olive to make sure she was ok. He found her in the corner of her room sobbing uncontrollably. He immediately rushed to her side and scooped her up in his arms.
"What's wrong?" He asked her.
"These people came in with these flashing lights and loud sirens and told mom and dad something about Julie and they rushed out and left me here." She continued to cry!
"Don't worry! We're going to go find them, right now to be exact." He held her and walked back to the car.
The little gang finally reached el's destination, wills house.
"Are you freaking serious?!" Lucas said. Ruthie turned to el.
"No will lives her and Juliette practically grew up here." Eleven was getting annoyed that they didn't get it. She punted to the house and told them will and Julie. They still didn't get it and we're fighting each other over it. Dustin interfered when he saw police lights zoom past them.
"Uhhh.... GUYS!" He pointed to the police cars. They all stared blankly back at him. "Police guys, nothing ever happens in Hawkins, hint will/Julie, let's follow it. " they all hopped on their bikes and followed the police car.
Once Matt and Jonathan arrived at the quarry, they rushed over to the shore where their parents were.
"Mom, dad, what's happeneing." Matthew asked his mother.
"The police came and told us they found something important to our case. " mr. Greer replied.
The police officers came out carrying two bodies, Juliette's and Wills.
The boys and Ruthie all saw them carrying the bodies a little too closely. Ruthie threw up in a bush and started crying. Eleven was confused. Lucas was angry. Dustin was heartbroken. And mike was too sad that he lost his two best friends.
"You guys! I told you she was crazy! That's really them. Dead as a door nail." Lucas said. Dustin sobbed "don't do this man."
"What did you do?" Mike yelled at el, "we trusted you" and stormed off.
Hey y'all! Thanks for all the love and support for this story! I really appreciate it. Huge news! Sorry I've been mia the last few weeks, I was at camp

I do have an important announcement. I've been having technology probs and I can't explain why but I won't be updating until I get my computer back and that still might not be allowed. So sorry if this doesn't get completed or updated anytime soon, I'm trying my best😩 thanks for understanding

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