Happy Halloween

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Disclaimer: This story contains relationships that are considered toxic and abusive, and is purely for entertainment purposes. If you or someone you know is in a relationship similar to those seen in this book, please contact your local domestic abuse hotline.


  "If you go out in the woods today you're sure of a big surprise" I ran as I heard the creepy signing get closer "Shit, he's coming hurry!" a voice called from the darkness "If you go out in the woods today you better go in disguise" he was getting closer "Shut up, he might hear us" I whispered to the others.

It was Halloween and for the first time in forever the 'Banana Gang' and I were hanging out for the first time in months, Evan, John, Lui, Craig, Brian, David and my older brother Tyler were playing murder in the forest like a bunch of kids and who's stupid idea was it you might ask? Yep mine, well, technically Lui joked about it first but I took it the step further and now I was huddled in a bush with Brian and Evan crushed up beside me and they would Not. Shut. Up!

"For every bear that ever there was has gathered there together because" I could hear John's eerie singing and crazy giggling getting closer and I knew it wouldn't be long before...


"Shit! ...oops" We looked over to see that Brian had fallen on his butt and loudly broken a branch as he went "Brian!" we yelled as the footsteps quickly came towards us "Today's the day the teddy bears have their pic...NIC!"

I screamed as a hockey-masked psycho ripped apart the bush we were hiding in and tripped over Brian who was still on the ground from falling earlier, while they were in a laughing fit I felt a strong hand drag me back from the chaos and we made a mad dash deeper into the dark trees, I looked to see the Canadian booking it full pelt with me still attached and I had to run as hard as I could to keep up with the hockey player.

We kept running until we could no longer hear Brian's screams and I begged for us to slow down, we stopped and I leaned up against a tree for support to catch my breath "Thanks Evan, that was close" I said through shaking breaths "I couldn't let you get murdered" he said with a joking smirk coming to lean against the same tree "That's what friends are for" I played along but his smirk turned into a pouty frown at this.

As I was about to ask what was wrong he cut me off "Just a friend?" I noticed that he had his left hand on the tree above my shoulder and his other was reaching for the side of my face, his body slightly pressing up against mine, his mouth so close I could feel his warm breath on my lips. Before I could say anything he had brought my face to his and we melted into a kiss that was hesitant at first but with no resistance from me, by either shock or desire, we deepened and it got passionate.

We moved to embrace each other, my arms wrapped around his neck as his hands moved down to my waist and being pressed up against the rough bark of the tree was the least of my concern "I love you" said a proud Evan as we stopped for air, leaning his forehead against mine, glaring eyes watched from the dark of the dense forest waiting for a response it was happy with.  

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