Morning After

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  I awoke with a start as the memories from last night came back to my mind and my hopes of it being 'just a nightmare' were thrown out the window, I froze as I felt an arm tighten around my waist from my sudden movement, the owner still being asleep, I quickly climbed out of the bed knocking whoever it was to the ground on the other side of the bed.

I stood against the wall regretting what I had just done until I heard a familiar voice groan and swear from the floor "Oh, sorry Tyler I guess I'm just a bit skittish from last..." my voice trailed off as I tried to forget what happened "No, it's okay I shouldn't have scared you like that, you just looked like you could use a hug" he clambered up off of the ground giving me a sheepish grin "You know what, I do need a hug" I walked over to my older brother and I had to fight not to break down as we had a sibling hug.

"Now get changed and come down stairs, the boys are probably waiting to see how you're doing" I had a well-needed shower, got dressed and walked down stairs to see my usually happy, laughing friends were gloomy and watching the morning news without a word, as I walked into the lounge a few heads turned my way but when Craig called my name everyone's attention was on me.

"How are you doing?" Lui expressed his concern as a crowd formed around me "C'mon guys give'er some space" David spoke out as he ushered the group back to the couch, Brian came up and placed a hand on my back "Hey, John has been worried sick about you, I think he likes you" I tried as hard as I could to keep a straight face "Oh, where is he?" if Brian noticed my distress he didn't mention it "We sent him out to get a few things, he'll be back in a few minutes" he left to join the others as I went to get some breakfast from the kitchen.

*Buzz* *Buzz* *Buzz* *Buzz*

Everyone looked over to Brian as he answered his phone "Hello...speaking...REALLY...okay, thank you so much" he hung up and looked over to us with a huge grin on his face "That was the hospital, Evan's gonna be okay" at that moment the somberness of the room lifted and we all gave cheers of relief, the celebrating was so loud that we didn't hear the front door open to reveal a confused Delirious.  

Delirious Out of His Mind (Yandere!H2ODelirious X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now