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  "Hey guys, what's going on?" Delirious asked as he went to place the shopping in the kitchen "Evan's alive! They said we could come see him in a few days" Brian answered and all they guys got ecstatic, even Delirious managed to fake a smile but I could see they terror behind his eyes "I should've gotten something for him while I was out" Delirious said as he went to the kitchen but stopped short when he saw me "H-hey John" I greeted him since I knew we were still in ear shot of the others and didn't want to draw attention.

"How are you doing this morning?" he hastily placed the bags on the counter and came towards me "I'm fine" he was leaning on the counter next me, uncomfortably close "Looking forward to seeing Evan in a few days?" he knew how I felt and he also knew I was terrified of him and had no way of answering "Of course, he's a friend" I added emphasis on friend "Good" he spoke down to me as if I was a dog "What about you?" I instantly regret asking "What?" he narrowed his eyes at me "Are you looking forward to seeing him?" he thought for only a second before a devious grin spread on his face "Why wouldn't I want to see him, he's my best friend" he lied through his teeth and I knew that if he got left alone with him nothing good could come of it.

"Now" I tensed at the sudden noise "I have been worrying about you all morning, don't you think I deserve a hug?" he reached his arms out to me and I hesitantly gave him a hug, he held me disturbingly close and rested his head on my shoulder, inhaling my sent "I love you" a shiver ran down my spine as he whispered into my ear "I..." his grip on me tightened "I love you too" he released the bear-like grip on me and I saw the huge grin on his face as he went back to put away the groceries.

I looked over to see three heads vanish as they came into view 'he had an audience and wanted to make it public' walking into the lounge I saw my friends acting like nothing happened and I tried my best to do the same "What's on TV?" I asked siting in between Tyler and Craig on the couch "Nothing good" David replied from the recliner beside the couch as he flicked through multiple channels, I looked through the stacks of DVD cases in the TV cabinet.

"How about a movie?" I suggested looking around the room "We've seen them all" Craig stated, bored "Then how about we go out and watch a movie" I persisted in trying to lighten the mood and this seemed to get their attention "DeadPool's on, let's go see that" my brother pitched in and everyone seemed to like the idea "Sounds like a plan" Delirious agreed standing by the kitchen's entrance 'how long had he been there?' "Well, then let's get going" Lui got up from the floor and we followed suit to go get ready. I went into my room to get changed into something more outgoing but jumped out of my skin when someone else closed the door behind me.  

Delirious Out of His Mind (Yandere!H2ODelirious X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now