My Little Teddy Bear

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  "Hey, their over here!" I tensed as I heard Craig yell from somewhere around us before I looked up and saw my brother running over to me with the most worried expression I have ever seen on the face I've known all my life "Are you okay? We heard screaming and..." he stopped dead in his tracks as he saw what was recognizable as the remains of poor Evan, the rest of the crew following suit as their skin went deathly pale and their eyes grew trying to process what they didn't want to believe.

"Is he.... what happened?" Lui was the first to regain his senses but did not take his eyes of the still body "I heard yelling and came here to find some psycho bashing in Evan's skull" the psycho holding me pretended to choke up "I managed to scare him off but it was too late for him" I knew these were all lies but if I told them the truth who knows what Jo... no, Delirious would do to them so I just stayed silent.

"How is she, did she get hurt?" Tyler knelt down and tried to look at my face but I was too scared to let him see how terrified I was of the person holding me hostage in his arms "I think she's just in shock, we should get her back to the house so she can rest" Delirious defended getting up off the ground still holding me in his arms, like a princess he just rescued "Do you want me to carry her?" Tyler offered "No, I've got her" he started walking in the direction he believed my house was.

"What about Evan?" David looked solemnly down at the blood stained dirt where his friend's corpse was lying, the others didn't know what to do "I'll call the cops and wait here with him, it was my fault anyway" Brian pulled out his phone and as he started dialing I could feel Delirious tense a bit before he walked away and back to the house 'It wasn't your fault Brian it was the nut-job that had me bound and gagged in a web of lies and fear' as we walked through the forest I could feel Delirious chuckle as he stared at my helpless form.

When we finally reached my house after what felt like an eternity, he brought me inside and gently placed me on the double bed in my room, I gasped as I felt him tug at the bottom of my sweater, he looked down at me with the most nonchalant look an insane person could have, I looked at him with pleading eyes as he just stared at me.
"You don't want to sleep in muddy, blood-soaked clothes do you?" He stated almost like it was funny but we both knew I had no choice in the matter so I sat up and let him pull off my sweater and jeans, I mentally thanked every deity I could think of that he stopped.

When I was under the covers he came over and tucked me in before placing a cold kiss on my cheek "Sweet dreams my little teddy bear"  

Delirious Out of His Mind (Yandere!H2ODelirious X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now