Lit group {1}

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My phone went off in class. Me being me of couses forgot to turn off the sound. So tuns of text sounds came out. Over and over again.But all my frineds are in this class. My teacher walked up to me and held out his hand.

I swear he  gets on my nerves some days I want to stick a fork in his eyes.I looked up and smiled.

"Ms. Bailey I think you should hand that over."

I did as told even though I really didn't want to. I also didn't want him to call my mom, again. I was warned if I got an any more trouble its bye bye to my phone.  

I knew I would have a ride home but coach would be mad that I was late to practice. Oh well. I don't like her anyways. She doesn't like me mostly because  beat her daughter at everything.

After class

"Mr. Dall can I get my phone."

"Here Ms. Bailey but if I see or hear it again i'm calling your parents."

"Yes sir." I said. I knew you could hear the attitude in my voice.

I pretty much ran out that class. I hate math and that stupid teacher. Really when will I use slope in real life. I turned it back on ready to chew out whoever texted me.  Whoever it was is going to get an ear full.

'you've been added to lit group.'

Who's numbers are these.

Group Message:Magcon Where stories live. Discover now