Did she just wink{3}

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Me- what's up people.




Jack G-^

Jack J- ^



me- at least Brandon's nice :/

Cam- its 1 o'clock in the morning.

Nick- what are you doing up.

Me- ice skating.

Blake- why

Me- coach calls us all in by 1 we get out at 4 then go to school.

Carter- you seem really busy.

Me- ya and i'm surrounded by snakes. G imam kill ur girl...

Brandon- ??

Me- gtg sorry 4 waking u guys up

JackG- please don't

What I didn't tell them is that I work with all day. And I do. I have this till 4, then I have school till 3:20, then dance till 5, track till 8, I get an hour off, so at 10 I have to think of new dances, at 11 I start homework, then im in bed by 12. Coffee does a lot to someone's system.

I only ever get Saturday off. then the school breaks all I have to worry about is dance and ice skating.

Mac snaps me out my thoughts.

"Can you get your lazy but up?"

"Mackenzie don't test me I already don't like you and its to early."

"Whatever." she said walking away.

"Go put on some pants." Half of her but was hanging out of them.

She turned around and stared daggers at me.

Me and her have a strange history. We used to be bff's yeah I cant even believe it. Thank the lord for us not being friends anymore.

After school

Me- I just snuck out of dance


everyone else-^

Me- they want me to wear

Me- they want me to wear

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Me-like ew. This is prettiest

Brandon- were do you go to school at?

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Brandon- were do you go to school at?

Shawn- ya

Me- the institute of preforming arts.

Cam- no way

Me- ya

Carter- were going over there in a couple days.

Me- wait ur the magcon crew

Mark- yep

Me- I showed you guys around one time...

Johnny- awsome

Me- ya I know* I said sarcastically

Jacob- really

Me- yep elf boy

Jacob- I got my own nick name before any of you. :)

Jack J- no I did.

Cam- what is it

Me- J duh :/

Brandon- I want one


Nash- HA

ME- peace out I gotto get to track. ;)

Nick- did she just wink.

Brandon- that was at me

Me- ok

Matthew- I thought you had to go


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