Chapter 43

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Maddie was hit last night. The doctor told me that she wont remember anything from a year. She lost all memories of this summer of the boys. I went into the room and she was staring at the ring. I explained everything to her. She listened but then went back to sleep. I went to tell the boys and they broke down.


She was hit again. The hospital called tonight. A drunk driver. They said she most likely doesn't remember anything from the past year. Ari went in and its true. I lost the girl I loved again. We all left it was terrible I could tell they all wanted to see if I was ok. But I didn't want to talk again the only person I wanted got hurt. I told her not to go out, if I would have tried harder she would remember me. Remember us.


They called a little after 10. Cam answered the phone and dropped it. The second time and this time its worse. She cant remember anything from the past year. I just lost someone im so close to. My little sister. It tore me up so I can only imagine Brandon he just gave her that promise ring. They had both found love. He doesn't know yet but her mom decided that its time for them to leave. We wont be able to talk to her anymore. That's what tore us apart.


My little Maddie is sitting here in the hospital hurt again. She will never remember us. She will never remember this summer. She will never remember Brandon. The little girl we have grown to know and love is hurt and we cant do anything. The worst things happen to the best people.


Maddie is the girl who kept a smile on everyone face. I don't know what we will do. No more fight over who can be her best friend. No more little wars or cute instagram pictures. Her mom wants us to disappear from her life. Can you believe it, but we saw her logic and left.


She's hurt. She's in pain. And we cant do anything. The little girl who was smiling and joking about me finding a girlfriend before she left, cant even remember me. How will any of us go through. She was our highlight. The person we could just be joking with. Now she's gone.


She's the only person who gets us the way we get each other. She's the only real person who can stop all of our fights. She kept us on our toes. She's the only one we let really put us all in our places.


My best friend. The person I fought over cheese. She's hurt and I cant help her. The person who would be so petty you didn't want to get in a fight with her. All of our inside jokes and looks. She wont be able to remember any of it.

Jack J

My litte girl. My best frined. The girl that we all counted on. She was just telling me that I need to make a move on a girl from instagram. She practically said whatever was on her mind. How are we supposed to live like that know? We wont see her smile. We wont see her laugh. We wont see her skip into the room just to fight with G's girl.

Jack G

Maddie was the highlight of all summer.  She made us laugh. She made us cry. But she never lied to any of us. No matter what you could count on her to tell you the truth. How would we get over her? She stopped so many of our fights. She gave us something to look forward to.


I am still expecting her to walk though the door with one of my bandanas on singing off key to one of Shawn's songs. Or making up a rap with JJ. She was always up and on the move. She was joking with us all before she left. Who knew the last thing she would most likely say to me was 'you need to get a girl.' She was telling all of that.


Little Maddie. She would always ask for help with something. I want her to walk though that door singing to one of my songs asking fun of it or not. I just want her to walk though that door and tell us all that this is a joke.


Maddie one of us should have drove her home. We should have told her to stop being so stubborn. She would not be here if we had. She was our light she needs to run in here just yelling at us all. Or singing and dancing. I would even take her wanting to go shopping. Anything for her to remember us. If not us at least Brandon.


We may never see her again. We may never hear her sing again. We may never see her smile again. How could someone so happy have something so horrible happen to her? A girl we have never meet anyone like her. She had us going mad. Someone who was just bright in every way. For someone to want to put her through that is horrible.


Maddie needs to walk though that door making fun of the fact were about o goon tour. Or want Brandon and us to watch a movie. Anything and I mean anything. She needs to be ok. She needs to remember us.


Please let that girl be ok. I knew she was special after she called me and elf and didn't take it back when she found it was me. Her exact words were 'oh still not sorry.' She brought out the best in everyone she was around she needs to be here.


You know what its like. I may have not been here all summer but I know how Maddie is. She made a huge impact on all of our lives. We will always remember her even if she cant remember us.


What can I say about this little girl. She didn't give me one bad thing to say. She was always laughing and could keep all of us together. We will all miss her. We just have to hope that  one day she does remember one day she comes back.


Ari came in here telling me about the ring on my finger. Apparently I don't remember things from the last year. I don't even remember coming to Texas. They gave me my phone and I deleted everything that had to do with them. I had put them though this twice. I asked my mom to tell them to leave. I dint want them to go though this. And I didn't know what to say.

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