Happy late birthday

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Happy late birthday to one of my best friends. Ever since last year we have been like really close. You put up with me though everything. All the boy talk *cough *cough Shawn Mendes. Even though that and that's a lot. We are still as close as can be. Hey we even have a book together. So Diamondbookz with all my love happy birthday. 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩. I am you 😈 and your my 💩. Here's to another year as friends weirdo. Btw the books about your man. And my man. If we ever meet them you can have hunter. I want Brandon even though we would probably both go for him. But if Shawn's with them you can have anyone but him.

Happy birthday and thank god for blessing your life with me. Jk thank you for being in my life. I couldn't ask for a better friend.

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