Im a chick {2}

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****- um I think I added the wrong number.

****- Blake how do you do that???

****- you realize that they have to leave on there own right.

****- um dude can you leave?

****-Carter your stupid that's not goanna make them leave.

****-Shut up Dallas.

****- yo new number who is this.

****- dude are you gonna answer.

****- can someone just add Johnny.

****- MARK


****-what did I miss.

Me- um have you ever heard of scrolling up.

****- and he speaks.

****- um what took you so long??

Me- its called practices. not everyone lives on there phones.

Me- HE???

****- oh burn Hayes.

****-Nash shut up....

Added Johnny

Me- did I really hurt your feelings.


'mad hurry up.'

'Ari the more you tell me something and immma take longer.'

'you two need to hurry up.'

'whatever jes you love us.

'I swear you remind me of an elf.'

'Jes the only elf alive is Jacob Sartorius.'

'M that's mean' both girl said at the same time.

end of video

ME- eww who posted this

ME- opps wrong group.

****- wait are you a dude?




Me-i'm a chick.

****- which on r u?

Me- why would I tell you that.

****- she has a point cam.

****- shut up Nash

****- cash both of you shut up

Me- Cash???

****- what's wrong with it?




Me- nothing...

Me- except its weird

****- wait which one are you.

Me- the one who called Jacob Sartorius an elf.

****- well that's rude.

****- who cares if she speaks the truth.

****- Shawn go some where.

Me- I have know idea who anyone is. TBH

Cam- Cameron Dallas

Nash- Nash Grier

Hayes- Hayes Grier

Carter- Carter Reynolds

Matthew- Matthew Espinosa

Jack J- Jack Johnson. call me jack j

Jack G- jack Gilinsky

Taylor- Taylor Caniff

Shawn- Shawn Mendas


Aron- Aron Carpenter. really?

Blake- Blake Gray

Mark- Mark Tomas

Jacob- Jacob Sartorius

Me- oh

Me-still not sorry

hunter- hunter Rowland. savage

Brandon-Brandon Rowland. Can we keep her????

Nick- nick bean

Zach-Zach clayton

Me-wait nick as in nick bean ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Me- ok moment over

Carter- really that's all you know

Me-nope but gtg my coach just found me wish me luck...

Shawn- did she just say coach.

Cameron-Yes I think she did.

Me- that's because I did

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