Chapter 25

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this chapter is pretty long 1021 words.

I got a text when u woke up.

Brandon- hey wanna hang out today
Me- like a date again
Brandon- what do you think babe
Me- what time
Brandon- can u be ready in an hour
Me- yep..
Brandon- I'll pick you up
Me- wait where e we going
Brandon- don't dress up.

Brandon and me have been spending a lot of time together. If I'm not with Ari or the group we are together.

But I can't say Ari minds since she's always with hunter.

I got up and got dressed

An hour later I was ready and ran into my dad on my way out.

"Maddie don't forget we leave in 2 days."

"yeah dad I know." I said grabbing my purse

"ill be back tonight love ya." I said walking out the door.

Brandon's car came up and I got in the front seat. Jack and Jack song California was on. I stared screaming the rap part. yeah even im surprised know it. (I actually do. Is that bad?)

"Well hey to you to."

"hey brando."


"yep. Don't question it."

I turned to him and he starred laughing. Some days I swear he is so mean.

We pulled up to Blake's house. Is it bad that I just wanted us to hang out?

We both got out the car and Brandon had the key so we got in.

"people the queen is home." I yelled

Cameron, Nash, and Matthew came in and bowed down.

"thank you. thank you." I said doing a wave

We all stared laughing. Ariel came down the stairs and turned to the boys.

"Brandon she will be ready in about 30." she said a grabbed my arm pulling me up the stairs.

"Um Ariel what are me doing?" I asked but still sat down on the chair.

"I'm doing your hair." she had that duh look on her face.


I know Maddie hates when we all mess with her but tonight's big. I mean huge. It actually took me 20 to do her hair and 10 to do light makeup.


Maddie came down the stairs hair waved. This girl is growing up. And this would have never happened if we didn't text that wrong number. I got a little sister.


We have officially stared off today. Maddie and Ari. I got more family out of this and I cunt ask for anything more. Were all freaking out about tonight.


This is the day we all get to know what happens in our futures. Its big for Brandon. have you guessed anything yet? Maddie has became on of us. All because Blake cant type.


I have seen amazing things before. But nothing compares to what she has done to all of us. One person who can make a whole room laugh at any time.


my little Maddie. The person who steals all my cheeses. The one who helps me mess with everyone. Im happy for my Hermana. (SISTER IN SPANISH)

Jack J

My little girl is growing up. My baby girl. the person we all turn to. We have to thank her it was fights after fights here before her at least.

Jack G

Maddie and Brandon our group was the first one that shipped them. Two kids literally just turned 16. But cute together. We have all seen it they bring out the best in each other.


Maddie's day even though she has know idea what is going on. She's over here sitting down waiting for someone to tell her anything. If there's one thing about her is that she hate not knowing  what's going on.


Maddie one word to decide her would be unique. Seriously what other person would stay around for something g so crazy. She's her own person and that's what I like most about her.


what do I have to say about Maddie. She's has became apart of the family easier than anyone else. She just has that thing to her that makes you wan to know her. Everything about her. Im glad we got to her before anyone else.


Never have I seen everyone so happy. Maddie just has a way of doing that. She's on the couch pouting right now its cute. Brandon got lucky. But I wish them both luck.


Maddie is the only girl my age that I know can play basketball with nail on and still beat a team of guys. She's her own person. And she lives that up.


Maddie no lie made fun of me before she even knew it was me. She's the only person we can all count on to tell the truth. And when she does she does not hold anything back. Wishing all of us luck in the future.


Maddie and Brandon, both of them together is crazy. They both have this way of making you laugh at anything. And I mean anything.


Maddie is my long lost sister. The one person who will tell all of us like it is. The girl really doesn't hold back. That's the thing we all love about her.


Maddie has brought put the best in my brother. I have never seen him smile so much before that its funny. Maddie blessed all of our lives, and I thank her for that.


I came down a little later Maddie was on the couch. She was sitting down and her and Mat were arguing over cheese. Only those two. I came up and grabbed her hand.

We walked over to the beach and went on the gazebo.


30 minutes turned into 50. And I still dint have any answers. This was getting on my nervures. Brandon came and grabbed my hand and we walked to the beach that was about 4 blocks away. We went on the gazebo and danced. Then he was looking at me.

"what do I have something on my face." I asked.

"nope but you are beautiful." he said

I covered my face to hind the blush. But he grabbed my hands and moved them.

"Maddie." he said


"be my girlfriend." he said.

I just stared at him. Me of all people why me. This had to be a joke.

"Maddie." he said.

I looked up at him.

"say yes."

All I could do was shake my head. I officially had a boyfriend. I feel like everyone else knew this.

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