Chatper 13

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Today was the day we got to me Ariel.
I don't know why but I was nervous.

My phone went off with brokenhearted by Kalin & Myles

' You need a shoulder need a shoulder to cry on.'

"hey Ari"

"hey M."

she was just breathing over the phone.

"Ari are you ok."


"what happened?" I really wanted to know she sounded like she was going to cry

"hunter want to talk."



"he likes you he's proudly going to ask you out."


I cut her off. "Ari Anne Mitchel he likes you stop crying an get ready now."

"ok bossy." you could hear the smile in her voice.

About an hour I walked down the stairs and into the living room.

"hey dad."

"hey Maddie. what are you doing today."

"nothing really I have to get fitted for a photo shoot then im hanging out with some friends."



"what? I can ask cant I?"

"bye dad, love ya."

"bye Maddie be back by curfew."

"kk" I yelled already out the door.

"hey my people." I yelled walking into the house.

Brandon was the first one I saw.

I know I was staring but dang.

"where is your shirt?"

He just laughed.

Ariel walked out the living room and hugged me.

"omg I finally get to meet the girl Brandon talks about all the time."

This made me laugh. She was talking so fast.

"come on." she said pulling me into the kitchen.

Everyone was in here.

When I looked around I noticed that none of the boys had shirts on.

"do any of you own a shirt?" I asked 

And they all laughed.

Someone came up behind me and grabed me.

"hey babe."

"Brandon really."

"yeP" he said popping the p.

"omg Blake you were right they are so cute."

When she said that my whole face turned red.


When Maddie opened the door she saw me and she was starring. I know exactly what she was starring at I didn't have a shirt on.

"where is your shirt?" she asked I just laughed

Ariel came walking though the door and pulled her into a hug.

"omg I fianally get to meet the girl Brandon talks about all the time."

Maddie started laughing . I was still standing there and Ariel pulled her into the kitchen.

I could hear her in here.

"do any of you own a shirt."

they were all laughing at her.

I came in a pulled her close to me.

"hey babe.' I said


"yeP." I told her.

"omg Blake you were right they are cute." Ariel said

Maddie's whole face went red.


The rest of the night was pretty much the same everyone talking. Nash had ordered pizza and we all just were on our phones making musicallys or snapchats.

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