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Hey People of the earth. The book hit 500 views to me that is a lot. And we got votes on it. For me to think at first that it wasn't going to get past maybe 10. I thought about what I wanted to do with the book. No it will not end anytime right know. But I do have so much more to work on. I try to get a chapter out of every book a week. And this week maybe more since I'm on break.

This was just to say thanks I know it's long and you can finally celebrate she's not dead. Someone asked me if I was going to kill her. To answer that I did not know I got the opinions from many friends and they all said finish this. The chapters will probably end around 60 but if this gets up to 1000 I'll make a second book.

Projects that I am working on is a Matthew Espinosa story that should be good. You may have got a little hint about it from the chapters today.

Well bye


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