Chapter 17

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'its lit'

Ari- mad y is ur comments disabled

Brandon- are you ok

hunter- mad answer ur phone

Cameron- Maddie

Blake- she wont answer

Me-im ok I just didn't want the hate ok

Johnny- really

Me- im fine

Ari- she's lying Brandon go talk to her.

Brandon- already on it.

Call between Maddie and Brandon

             (M-Maddie B- Brandon)

b-Maddie are you ok.

m- Brandon im  fine really

b- your eyes are red

m- im fine really

b-lies all lies

b- Maddie come on

m- can you come over please

b-ill be right over

Brandon came about 10 minutes later.

once he saw me he pulled me into a hug.

'its ok mad its you and me ok.'


'you and me babe'

About an hour later I woke up. He was still up his arm was around me and we were on the couch.

"everyone's asking about you."


"ill tell them that we will come over tomorrow ok."

"yay I seriously love you."

"yeah I know"

Later that night



"Do you want to go out tomorrow."

I looked up at him and he looked really scared. Like really scared, so I decided to mess with him.

"well I don't know I kinda like this person and I don't think its fair."

"oh yeah I mean um."

"im kidding pick me up at 6 yeah."

"I'll see you tomorrow babe."

He kissed my cheek then left.


After I had came over Maddie had fell asleep. She is so cute.

The whole group kept texting me wanting to know what was happening.

She started to wake up. I put down my phone and looked at her.

She opened her eyes. And smiled at me.

"everyone's asking about you" I told her

"ugh" was her response.

"ill tell them that we will come over tomorrow. ok"

"yeah I seriously love you." she said with a huge smile.

"yeah I know." I told her and smirked.

Later that night

I decided that tonight was the night I was going to ask her out.

It was right before I was leaving she walked out with me to the car.


"Huh" she said looking up

"do you want to go out tomorrow." there I said it.

She just stared at me. I knew I should not have done this. Then she answered.

"well I don't know I kinda like this person and I don't think its fair."

I knew it. But who dose she like.

"oh yeah I mean."

"im kidding pick me up at 6 yeah."

"ill see you tomorrow babe."

I kissed her cheek and she smiled.

I am shocked I didn't get slapped.

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