Chapter Four

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I rolled over, I felt incredibly tired, I could barely make my surroundings around me, then I figured, this is my room.

I was so tired last night, when I'd got to my room, I didn't bother getting changed, or even getting into bed. I laid down and fell asleep, there and then. I hadn't even closed the blind, and now the early spring sun had awoken me. I grabbed my bag and pulled my phone out. It was only 6:27 am. Yet I already felt so awake and decided to unpack.

My room was very basic, they were a simple wooden bed on the right when you walked in, with a gray duvet, against the wall. There was one large window, at the end of the bed, that looked as if was about to break, with its old white frame, and flimsy glass panes. To the left of the bed, there was a small bedside cabinet, with lots of draws, and a lamp on top, and next to that the door. Along the left-hand side of the wall, there was a shelf, effectively in the wall. And at the corner of the room, they were a door that went into my own small bathroom, that had a toilet, mirror and a tiny shower, which has a curtain, so if a member of staff came in you still had a slight bit of privacy. The room felt empty and cold, in an ironic way, it reminded me of my soul.

I neatened my bed and laid the contents of my bag out. I really hadn't brought very much with me, but I didn't want to bring loads of things since I was here to get better. I grabbed my little unicorn, and place in on my pillow. I pulled out of my two pairs of pyjamas and put them in one of my draws. I'd only brought three outfits with me in total, considering I'm not exactly off anywhere there wasn't to worry. I could possibly get my parents to post me some if needed be. The last couple of things I had, was my phone charger, a special crystal given to me by Tilly, and my school books. My college decided that despite the fact that I was in the hospital, providing I could, I should still sit my GCSE's whilst at Riverside. Everything else was provided by Riverside and would either be given to me or kept for security considering my mental situation.

I decided to have a shower since there wasn't much else to do. I looked in the cupboard and seen just the one small towel, a miniature bottle of shampoo and a small hair comb. I turned the water on full, and stripped down, I left the water on as cold as I could, and stepped in, although I had to try to leave my bandaged arm outside, but it didn't work very well, and it got a tad bit damp.

I turned the shower off and pulled my arm in, and curled up in a ball, against the cold surface, and tears started rolling down my cheeks. I looked and realized how ugly I was, and how much I hate myself, my damp hair falling around my face.

Then I heard it, a voice.

'Hello... Effie?'

'Hang on...'

I slipped out the shower and pulled the towel around my waist, and walked into my bedroom. There, was a strange lady who I obviously didn't recognize. I sat down on my bed, and pulled a big jumper on, and put a pair of shorts on, revealing all my cuts. The entire time, the nurse glared at me and made me feel so uncomfortable.

'Effie, I've brought you your timetable for today, whilst you settle in, your day will be a bit different.'

'Erm. Thanks.'

With that, she looked over my legs once more, then walked out, and left is sat on the bed.

I looked down and over my timetable...

7:30am/8:30am - Breakfast

9:00 am - Clare Dressing Room 137

10:30 am - Group therapy Room 204

12:00am - Counseling Room 219

1:00pm/3:00pm - Lunch/Dinner

4:30 pm - Staff meeting

6:00/9:00pm - Tea

7:30 pm - Clare Dressing Room 137

10:30pm - Bedtime

It's just turned 7:00 am, so I decided to go on a little walk whilst everywhere was quite and investigate breakfast, although I put a pair of leggings on to hide my legs, and my big jumper to at least attempt to hide my bandage.

I creaked open my door and peered out. I couldn't remember anything about Riverside, so walked down the corridor. There wasn't anyone about, and the place seemed ghastly, and quite.

I suddenly found myself in an open stairwell and found a sign, that showed me exactly at least an idea of what is where.

Ground floor) Canteen, rooms 1-49. Unit 3

Floor 1) Unit 1, Rooms 101-149

Floor 2) Offices, staff accommodation, Councillors Rooms 200-249

Floor 3) Therapy (Room 301-325)

Floor 4) Unit 2

Well, at least I knew where about I'd got to go to see Claire, and anywhere else. I leaned over the banister and looked down. I could see that the hospital is alive, the sound of voice started to awaken around. I suddenly realized I could jump the banister, and maybe die.

'I wouldn't do that if I was you, you'd end up on unit three, that's not good trust me.'

I turned around, and there stood a tallish boy, looking right at me.

'Err, hi...'

'Welcome to Riverside, your clearly new. Let me, guest... Bulimia?'

'Wow... Your a bit out right aren't you?'

'Yea should be open here, you'll make more friends...'

'Sorry... Never done a mental hospital before, and attempted suicide by the way...'

' You don't look the type...'

'Well.... Nice to meet you too I better be off...'

I suddenly felt incredibly vulnerable, stood in the corridor. I had the urge to run, I could hear voices around me, so almost instant, I turned, and sprinted around a random corridor... Then I suddenly slipped on the oak floor and found myself sprawled across the floor in tears, terrified, and suddenly found myself having a panic attack. I felt an intense wave of anger, and got my bad wrist and thrashed it onto the floor. Pain shot up my wrist, and I let out a cry, I was a mess, a hot mess.

Suddenly a nurse came running down the corridor, and only to find me sprawled out, panicking. She grabbed a radio, and radioed through for help, someone along the lines of anxiety, despite the fact, I didn't have anxiety.

Before I knew it, I had a group of staff surrounding me, whilst I had a meltdown. I literally stood up and tried to walk off, but I couldn't. They all tried to convince me to have a psych evaluation, but I spun around and walked off.

I suddenly found my room, room 113. and walked in and curled up in a ball by the window. All I could see was the front lawn and a field. in the distance, I could make out the road.

Then there was a knock, and another woman walked in. I was still breathing heavy, terrified to move. She looked at me, and smiled,

'Claire's been radioed, I've bought you a hot chocolate and a muffin, as soon as Claire's in someone will come and get you, and take you down to her. I'll get someone to give you a tour too, okay?'

I nodded.

That nurse left, I'd already had a meltdown and only bee there twelve hours.

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