Chapter Eighteen

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Being back on ward one was nice - less pressure, however, the routine constantly reminded me off Dannie, and Ethan was there too. But life carried on rolling, and I carried on reluctantly living.

I even started integrating back into the group activities, and it almost felt like I was actually there to get better. My time table was kept basic, since Claire didn't want to overwhelm me with too much; however I embraced a few different types of activities, including music therapy, where after Claire observed me and was thrilled with my commitment, I got rewarded with an  Amazon voucher for me to purchase a couple of Cd's since I had a new found love for a band known as Twenty One Pilots!

Claire had regular meetings with me and kept on eye on me. I begged her to let me stop grief counselling as it just brought me down. In addition, I didn't like meeting with all these special people and had rather be limited between me and Claire.

As for friends, well, I didn't go -that- far. Since social interaction wasn't necessarily my thing, however, I noticed a few people did indeed start making an effort to me, such as Ethan.

Yet every time I looked at him, I thought of that moment he and Sam kissed, and that could've been what disguised the signs - the ones every girl knows.

Ethan starting getting closer, from just saying hello, to sitting with me at meal time and he even popped by my room to try and convince me to go to the common room. (That didn't happen!) He never seemed to get the message, but I didn't find for at least having friends was always a good thing.

Thing is, it took a lot for me to be attracted to someone, and Ethan just hadn't ticked that box quite yet for me, and I felt bad...

But I wasn't ready, and it wasn't what I wanted. 

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