Chapter Seven

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The day's had started to pass at Riverside, and I was finally getting the hang of the routine and had  Dannie, of course, was my closest friend. Each day I got my arm dressed, and it started to look okay again; I felt attached to Riverside and already didn't want to leave. 

When I and Dannie sat in the corner of the canteen, and a  nurse started calling names, I looked over at Dannie, baffled.                                                                                                                                                       "What's she saying?" I looked at Dannie,                                                                                                                    "All the people with visitors...Not me!" Dannie smiled at me.                                                                     "Aha, like I'd have one!" I laughed, me and Dannie had regular debates over who's parents hated who more, I was still convinced it was mine. But then, my name was called, and I looked at Dannie in shock. She looked back at me, and giggled, and declared she won; she then told me to head to the front of the building sharpish, as that's where the visitors congregated, so I quickly headed off alone, as my feet walked, I was figuring what I was supposed to say.  Only there was a huge shock. 

Stood to wait for me, wasn't indeed my parents, or my family. It was Tilly! I charged over to her and burst into tears. I couldn't believe she drove nearly two hours away, just to see me. I was sobbing at the sight of her, and could barely hear what she was saying, then I spotted the best part, she'd brought her puppy with her, Humbug. I held a special love for Humbug, as I got to hold her the entire car journey when we went to pick her up, nearly eight hours away... 

I grabbed Humbug and suggested we went a walk around the back gardens, I was so thrilled to see my friend and Humbug! We went for a  long spring walk in the sun, and then we sat down in a small gathering of trees, and I just broke down again. 

My vulnerable self, and in that moment I felt like I'd snapped out of it, and I looked at my best friend and begged her to let me come home, I had an intense feeling of homesickness. But somehow, she convinced me that it was for the better; and promised me that she was going to come and see me the very next week, providing I tried hard to get better. 

We headed back to her car, with humbug in tow, who was now shattered. When we reached the car, she pulled a giant bag off the back seat and handed it to me...

"I've brought you a few things..." 

I looked at Tilly, in shock. She handed me the bag, and I propped myself on the stone wall and started to pull things out. The first thing she'd brought me was a model horse, one of my horse back home, and my heart instantly melted, then, I pulled out the next thing, she'd got a photo frame, and collaged all photos of me riding, from my Facebook. I looked at her and thanked her, then I dug my hand down a bit further, and felt something soft. I pulled it out, she'd bought me a gorgeous unicorn onesie! Then there was one small thing left in the very bottom of the bag. I looked at her, and slipped by hand down, and grabbed the small package, that was a wrapped in tissue paper.

I gently tore it open, and there was a gorgeous bracelet, made out of horse hair. I looked at her, tears brimming in my eyes and gave her a big hug, and thanked her. I was overwhelmed by her generosity and made me feel so motivated to get better and get out of Riverside. 

I hugged her and thanked her, and promised her I'd get better, I did that a lot to a lot of people, but I could proudly say I meant it that one time, besides, I couldn't resist humbug! 

I waved Tilly off as she drove off into the distance - back to reality. And walked back towards the building, a side door. With my small selection of gifts, I actually felt presently happy. I decided to head straight up to see Dannie, since we'd barely spoke. 

I stopped at my room and dropped my bag off, and immediately headed off to her room, I walked straight in, since me and Dannie were already so close, there wasn't any need for me to knock or anything. 

There sat on her bed in tears, was indeed Dannie, and the worst part... Her entire bed was crimson with blood stains, where she'd sliced her own wrists open - again. I ushered for her to jump in the shower frantically, and I started ripping all the bedding off her bed, under no circumstance was she being sent to unit three! 

All I really remember from that night, after that was me staring at the ceiling above me, not only was I breaking a rule by sleeping in someone else's room, I was with Dannie, in bed, naked. 

I loved Dannie as a friend, but I couldn't handle the concept of having a relationship with Dannie, not whilst I was here, and unsure of my own sexuality. 

That was my last thought before I'd fell asleep. 

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