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Chapter One - Victoria


Okay so my life's a mess. I mean, it's always been a mess, ever since I can remember. But this time I'm really exceeding myself in the matter.

Thing is: I was adopted. My birth mother disappeared after childbirth and my birth father didn't want me. So I was adopted by a couple of actors. They had a TV show called "Olinsky" - which is our last name - along with my grandparents. When I joined the family, the show already had 3 seasons. And so they adopted me and probably thought something like "oh well what a great idea to put our brand new daughter as a regular cast member of the show". It turns out it was a good idea, actually, cause they just kept getting renewed for more and more seasons after I showed up. And so that's how it went. Now I'm an actress. Which sounds awesome, right?!

I hate to be the one who breaks it to you, BUT: here's where it gets messy and complicated - and sad, I suppose. It was all fun and games until... we all were involved in a car crash. All 3 of us, I mean. And an ugly one. With lots of car pieces flying around and, to be honest, lots of human parts being tossed everywhere.

Yes. Both my parents died in that accident. Fortunately - or unfortunately, depends on your point of view - I escaped with not even one single scratch. It was a miracle, everyone says.

I was 8 years old at the time. Basically, that's the story of how I ended up an orphan - TWICE. The truth is - after the accident, my grandparents began to kinda hate me. As simple as that. Imagine, an adopted kid who gets out of a car crash safe and sound and 100% alive, while the parents die tragically. An adopted kid, daughter of the mum whose parents just lost their only child. You'd hate that kid too, wouldn't you? (You probably wouldn't, I know, what a cruelty, right? An innocent little girl who just lost both parents... oh well)

To sum things up quickly: I lost my two parents at once and found myself completely alone at the age of 8, seeing that my grandparents then rejected me and blamed me for their lost. They didn't actually hate me. They just acted with indifference towards me, and not loving and caring as they used to.

But how did I live after that then? Simple: nannies. Lots of them. I still lived with my grandparents in their mansion though - it was actually a mansion. A huge one. Until I turned 18, when I moved out and went to live alone in London. To make up for their lack of affection to me, they literally gave me 3 apartments, which came in handy, even though three is a bit of an exaggeration, cause I'm only one person.

The show? It kept going for 4 more seasons after the accident, but then they decided to end it, as they were getting too old. I thanked god, cause, honestly, it was too many seasons (15!!!) and it was getting tiring for both us and the public, and then I could finally move on with my life.

Therefore, currently, my "CV" includes 6 movies, 3 different tv shows and several jobs as a model. A youtube channel never used, and, obviously, 12 seasons of "Olinsky" - not trying to brag here, but it was one of the most watched tv shows in the country. As of right now, I was giving myself the luxury of having an extended holiday. I knew my manager would have something waiting for me at any minute, seeing that jobs seemed to throw themselves at me without me even looking for them.

So I was happily sleeping in this morning when she called me, waking me up at 10 o'clock on my blessed holidays! How dare she?!

"Oh my god, Olivia, I'm on holidays!" I mumbled when I answered the phone.

"Good morning to you too, honey," she responded, cheerful as always. "I have some things to discuss that are pretty urgent, so I had to bother you. I'm sorry."

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