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I was just leaving the coffee shop, heading to my car, when my phone rang. ID caller told me it was Nicole, so I had to answer, unfortunately. I sighed and pressed the green button.


"Good morning, Victoria," she said, a professional and serious tone in her voice.

"Good morning, Nicole, what's up?" I replied, sipping my coffee, not letting her ruin my mood so early in the morning.

"So, it is Monday, which means your schedule with Bradley starts today. I'm calling just to make sure you remember everything we've discussed about this subject," she said. I just rolled my eyes, trying to not get too annoyed at her.

"Yes, I remember everything, Nicole. There's absolutely no need for you to call me every time me and Brad have to meet each other," I said, as I reached my car. I opened the door and hopped in, resting my cup on the holder.

"Good." I could clearly visualize in my mind the way she probably nodded her head. "Now, you just have to meet each other casually today, at the Starbucks on Elm Street, and it has to be this specific shop, don't forget," she started talking again, completely ignoring what I'd just told her. "And, remember, when you walk in, paparazzi aren't gonna be outside yet, so it should be calm but, when you decide to leave, one or two hours later, at least 5 of them are supposed to be there already, which could get a bit chaotic since I'm releasing your location and, after that, there's no way of controlling the situation anymore, so fans could be there also, and if so, it's important that you don't forget what we rehearsed and-"

"I know, Nicole." I interrupted her, at last, before she could start rambling even more about the whole how-to-behave subject. "You don't have to go through the entire scenario with me all over again, I remember every bit of it. It's not that hard, you know, I'm not stupid," I sighed, aware that I sounded rude. "Is that it? I'm kinda busy here."

"Yes," she replied, and I noticed a hint of irritation in her voice. "Just one more thing. I've read the headlines and articles earlier this morning, and I have to say, I'm very pleased. Yesterday you two did an excellent job going out together and with Laura Coleman, even if it wasn't on the schedule. It was very smart. Congratulations, if you keep going like this, we won't have any problems in our 12 months of working together. I'm also releasing Brad's name to the press, since he and his band are so bloody unknown no one can even find out for themselves," she huffed at that last sentence.

"Oh, it's on the news already?" I asked, a bit surprised. I (foolishly) didn't think they'd be so quick. "Well, we didn't do that thinking about pleasing you, trust me," I scorned. "It just happened naturally. But if you think it was a good move, that's even better. Do what you gotta do, if it means making the reporters' job easier by releasing his name, then so be it. I have to go now, bye, Nicole," I finished, hanging up before she could take any more of my time.


Okay, so: first official duty as Bradley Simpson's fake girlfriend. Hanging out together to be seen by the eyes of the media and start the buzz about a potential relationship. Here we go! However, guess what: I was late. Obviously. Great! As I was leaving my flat, I decided to text Brad to at least let him know that I was still going, even if maybe half an hour late.

To: Bradley Simpson

[03:49 pm] VO: brad im so sorry im late are you there already? im almost there i swear im sorry im coming xx

I hopped into my car and, honestly, don't think I'd ever driven so fast. Got there in less than 15 minutes. Good. It's a miracle I didn't die, to be honest.

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