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One hour later and we were still there talking about the same things over and over. Nicole just didn't stop repeating the terms of the contract and explaining even the slightest things. She was just the worst. 

Victoria was being extra stubborn. I recalled then what Olivia had said yesterday, about her stubbornness. Well, it was too real. She kept questioning everything Nicole said and asking why this why that. She was stalling, obviously. Besides it being exhausting, I couldn't say I wasn't appreciating what she was doing. After all, I did feel the same way she was feeling. I really didn't want to sign to that thing. Especially now that it had become a one-year event.

"Okay so now I'd like to discuss something," Joe interrupted one of Nicole's endless speeches. Everyone stared at him. "You said no one can know the relationship's fake, right?" 

"Yes," Nicole nodded.

"Not even Brad's bandmates?" ooh, the golden question. My heart started pounding.


"You see, that's where I think we should debate. It'd be better if they knew," he argued.

"It'd be better if they didn't know. There are fewer chances of the story getting leaked, plus they won't have to act too. It's tricky enough to get two people to act convincingly, imagine five," she literally had a solution to every single thing we brought into the discussion. 

"We're gonna have to spend loads of time together for a whole year, so I think it'll be easier for everyone to get along if they know the truth," I tried to plea. "Besides, Victoria's a professional actress so the acting part won't be tricky for her right?!" I looked at her, smiling innocently, trying to get her to help our case. She kinda rolled her eyes and gave me a yellow half smile.

"It should be easy," she agreed.

"Guys, the point here is, this can't get leaked. There's just too many people knowing about it already. The more, the harder it is to keep it secret," Nicole replied.

"But they won't do anything wrong. Why would they say anything, anyway?" I asked, rhetorically.

"You can't know for sure, that's the problem." 

"Nicole, you're forgetting something important," Joe intervened. "They need this too. The same way Brad does. They're all in this together, all the 4 of them. So they won't say anything. I can assure you that. They're not stupid."

Nicole sighed. She kept silent for a moment, thinking, and then sighed again.

"Listen. I'll agree to that. But you have to guarantee these boys are trustworthy. You have to train them, tell them all the words they can and cannot say, all the body language and reaction expressions. And I'm serious about it, Joe," she glared at him for a bit then raised her eyebrows when he didn't reply.

"Yes!" he nodded. "Yes, of course. You have my word. It'll be just the same as if they never knew." 


I smiled shyly. It was a good start. Tho I knew the guys wouldn't like it. But if Joe was able to convince me, I was sure he'd convince them too. And, if I'm being honest, they didn't really have much to complain about, since it was me the one who was being forced to be in that relationship.

"Can we talk about your schedule then?" Nicole asked, searching for something on her tablet.

"Umm... not really," Victoria said. "I have something to say."

"Yes?" Nicole raised her head to look at her. 

"Well... I can't sign this contract."


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