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Connor showed up out of nowhere carrying a tray of shots. We were sitting at a table, me, Joe, James, Laura and Victoria, talking. James had finally gotten over his fanboy crisis and was behaving like a normal human being again, which I was glad about, cause that scene earlier was really embarrassing. Tristan and Connor disappeared right after we started drinking, so I assumed they both found - or were looking for - girls to flirt and make out with, and my theory just got confirmed when Connor came back without Tris.

"Ooh, what's that?!" Laura asked when Connor put the tray in the middle of the table.

"Tequila!" Connor replied, a bit too excitedly.

"Oh my god, I didn't even know they were serving tequila here!" Victoria said, reaching her hand for one of the shots. "I love tequila!"

"I love tequila, honestly, so let's drink and you're all welcome," Connor said and smirked smugly, putting one glass of shot in front of each of us, and we all drank up simultaneously.

"Well, thank you then, Tristan," Victoria nodded in Connor's direction, and I started laughing at her mistake. She frowned confused. "What is it, Bradley?!"

"Well, it's just that he's not Tristan," I answered.

"Ooooh, right," she giggled. "So he's James."

"Nope," James said. "I'm James." Victoria frowned and looked at Connor.

"Okay but then... who's left? I mean, Brad, James, Tristan and...? I honestly forgot," her eyes filled with tears. Drunk people are very funny.

"Hey hey hey, don't worry. I'm Connor," he said, getting closer to her and stroking her arm gently.

"Connor!" she shouted. "That's right! I'm sorry. I'm kinda bad with names, you know." And just like that, the tears were gone. "Anyway, I think we should get a picture taken of us," she shrugged.

"That's such a great idea!" Laura exclaimed. "Okay, let's go find us a photographer, c'mon," she got up, dragging Victoria with her by the arm.

"Brad, have you and Vic been photographed together yet? That's why we're here, remember," Joe said when they were far enough to not hear us.

"Uhh, not yet, I think... I mean, I saw someone taking photos earlier when I was talking to her but Laura was with us," I shrugged.

"Well, then we have to leave you two alone soon. It's late and we need at least one photo."

I nodded, "okay."

"Just wait for my signal."

Laura and Victoria returned with a guy holding a giant camera, who stopped in front of us already taking pictures.

"C'mon, let's get together for a pretty photo," Laura called, and we all got up and posed, me standing beside Victoria strategically.

"Wait, but what about Tristan?" James asked.

"Oh, screw him, he should be here!" Laura replied. "Now say cheese!"

The photographer took loads of photos and walked away. As we got back to our seats, Laura tripped on something and almost fell, Joe holding her by the waist.

"Someone's getting hammered tonight," he raised his eyebrows at her, who just giggled and sat back on the chair.

"Stop it, I'm fine!" she replied.

"I guess you could say we all are at the same stage of drunkenness," Victoria shrugged and I laughed, nodding. She looked at me, then back to Joe, who raised his eyebrows and glanced at me quickly. "Um so where's Tristan anyway?" Victoria asked. "Wait, it's Tristan right?!"

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