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Friday, finally. It'd been a long, busy week, with me and Olivia going everywhere for meetings with everyone about everything. I had a lot of work coming up and we were settling the last few details so I could start properly working - not gonna lie, even though I was loving my time off and could use a few more days, I missed my work. I hadn't done a proper acting job in a good 8 months, and modelling was not quite that thrilling for me anymore, so I was rather excited about starting again.

I got home after a quick meeting with Brad, of course, and I was ready to spend the night watching sad movies and crying while eating popcorn and ice cream. A proper Friday Night After A Busy Week.

I took a shower and changed into my Staying Home All Night On Friday clothes, which means, basically, comfy pyjamas. I was walking back to the kitchen to prepare my food when the doorbell rang. I frowned, wondering who could it be, as I wasn't expecting anyone tonight, and ran to the door.

"Oh!" I exclaimed when I opened it, still frowning. "Hey, babe, what you doing here?" I said, Lucas stepping into my flat with a bag on his shoulder and holding a box from the donut shop down the street.

"Thought you'd like some company for your sad movies ritual." He grinned, kissing me on the lips and going into the kitchen.

I raised my eyebrows incredulously and snorted, crossing my arms in front of my chest. I was really planning on staying alone and it actually kinda pissed me off when Lucas showed up without warning, so I took a deep breath a few times to try and not get annoyed, before following him. I put a smile on my face and looked on the cupboards for the popcorn.

"I thought you had a dinner meeting or something," I replied, putting the popcorn bag into the microwave and turning around at him, who was looking inside my fridge for something - beer, probably.

"I had," he finally found what the was looking for and looked at me, drinking from the beer bottle happily. "But it got cancelled so I thought, why not spend some quality time with my beautiful girlfriend?"

He smiled widely, wrinkles forming in his eyes, and his brown eyes shined. "Mmm..." I said, squinting my eyes at him. He was acting a bit weird and I didn't know why. "What do you want or what have you done wrong, Luke?"

"What?! Nothing! I genuinely just want to be with you for tonight!" He protested, raising his eyebrows and sounding offended. "Can't I do that anymore?!"

"You can!" I cautioned, lifting my hands in the air. "You just never do." I shrugged and turned around again, opening the beeping microwave and almost burning my fingers on the heated paper bag. "Shit!"

Lucas didn't say anything, just kept quietly drinking his beer out of the bottle. I didn't even like beer, he was the one who'd always buy it. And it really annoyed me when he drank straight from the bottle (always), so I just decided not to look at him because I was trying to avoid any hard feelings between us for tonight.

He grabbed another bottle from the fridge and left the kitchen, while I searched for a bowl where to put the popcorn. I took a few deep breaths, wondering why I was so suddenly pissed off at my boyfriend, who didn't actually do anything to deserve it.

Well, to say the truth, I was still a bit irritated about the whole one-year anniversary date. The thing with the amusement park and all the roller coasters. It'd been almost two weeks but it was still bothering me, for some reason, and the fact that he showed up today with a bag for the night and interrupting my plans, just made everything worse. So yeah, that was probably why.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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