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"Have you seen the headlines about yesterday at the coffee shop?" Olivia asked me, as we drove back to my place from the restaurant.

"Not yet. Why?" I looked up from my phone.

"They're a bit chaotic," she said, glancing at me.

"I'll look it up here," I replied, typing my name on Google. I scrolled down and read the headlines, not bothering to click on any specifically since they were all bullshit. 

"Victoria Olinsky seen ugly crying alone at Starbucks"

"Trouble in paradise? Victoria Olinsky seen crying at a coffee shop with boyfriend Lucas White!"

"Find out why Victoria Olinsky was crying so much yesterday!"

"How to look good even while crying your eyes out: a tutorial by Victoria Olinsky"

I laughed at that one and read it out loud for Olivia while clicking on the link.

"People are mad, aren't they? How can someone think I actually look good on those ugly photos? For Christ's sake," I said, looking at all the pictures. I mean, I knew I was ugly that day, but I had no idea it was so horrible. If a kid saw me like that they'd be scared, honestly." Olivia laughed and glanced at me.

"I wouldn't say you look ugly," she shrugged. I just glared at her.

"Oh please," I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, these headlines say exactly what I thought they'd say. It's the easiest and most predictable thing they could think of, probably," I shrugged. "A girl crying? Must have broken up with the boyfriend!" I said ironically. "Also, there's no way someone would've guessed the right reason behind all of that. So it doesn't really matter," I shrugged again.

"They're not very creative anymore, are they?" Olivia mocked.

"They've had better headlines," I chuckled, agreeing. "Hoooomeeee thank gooood!" I shrieked as Olivia parked in front of my building.

"Ok so honey let's just have a quick conversation before you go up," Olivia said, turning off the car.

"Don't you wanna come in? It's more comfortable and we can have a cup of tea," I invited.

"No, thank you love, but I actually have work to do back at the office, you know," she teased. "Not all of us have the luck of being on holiday," I just rolled my eyes, giggling softly.

"You should take some time off, though, Liv. You work too much," I stated.

"Can we leave this for another day?" I just shrugged. "Ok, so, your agenda now. I'll leave you be for the rest of this week, so enjoy yourself. Saturday is the party and then you have to get back. I have projects to discuss with you, plus your schedule with Brad starts on Monday. But, until then, do whatever you want. Have fun!" she smiled.

"I'm regretting this decision already," I complained, throwing myself on the seat.

"Vic, you've been on holiday for almost 3 weeks now. Time to work, hunny. Life's not all fairy tales, silly," she said, gently slapping me on the shoulder.

"I know," I huffed. "But I think the time off spoiled me too much."

"Well, too bad, cause you're getting back to reality very soon. Start your countdown," she smirked.

"This is torture!" I cried.

"This is real life," she whispered.

"Ugh," I snorted. "Sometimes I hate you."

She looked at the time on her phone.

"Uh-oh, I'm late. You can hate me from your apartment now. See you Saturday!" she kissed me on the cheek.

"Is there any chance you'll be forgetting about this party?"

"Nope. Not even the slightest chance," she shook her head. "C'mon, it'll be fun! And you were invited before 'the Brad situation' anyway," she made quotation marks in the air, "so it can't be that hard."

"Yeah, but I wasn't planning on showing up there. I don't even like Julius, to be completely honest."

"You'll barely talk to Julius. Plus, you'll get to see Laura! It'll be fun, you love her. Now, stop feeling sorry for yourself, enjoy the bit of free time you still have and let me work. Also, find something stunning to wear," she raised her eyebrows. I snorted playfully.

"I'm always stunning," I bragged, opening the door and getting off the car. "Even when I cry!" I joked, and we both laughed. I blew a kiss at her, closed the door and, finally, walked towards the entrance of my building.

My days were starting to feel endless. And it was barely past midday.


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